
Things to try:

1. use <t:saveState id="type" value="#{treeBacker.editState}" />
2. instead of using an input & output container, try: <t:inputText value="#{MIFExternal.type}"
displayValueOnly="#{treeBacker.editState}" />

Out of curiousity, what is the scope of your backing bean ?


On 2/27/06, Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear All,

I am trying to build a jsf page which can alternate between showing
input & output text elements dependant upon a boolean (i.e. if you are
allowed to edit the data).


<td halign='left'><h:outputText value=" Type"
title="The Type of the Element" />
<td width="10">:</td>
<td halign='left'><h:outputText value="#{ MIFExternal.type}"
rendered="#{!treeBacker.editState}" />
<h:inputText value="#{MIFExternal.type}"
rendered="#{treeBacker.editState}" />

Basically the OutputText works fine, it calls "getType" & shows the
value in the bean however the inputText never calls "getType".

I have tried simply using an inputText (i.e. w/o any "rendered" & yet

Any ideas why the inputText should not be getting any values from the
backing bean?

Some of the fields are always ineligible for editing & thus are always
outputText & they work fine where the inputText fields are always empty.



Grant Smith

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