Hi Mike,

Have been on vacation to Maui :) and I couldn't see any reply to your email. I wrote a HowTo a while back on how to use MyFaces with JDeveloper, but it is a bit outdated. Essentially, to get it to work you add the myfaces libraries to your project BEFOR you start adding JSF pages to your project. This way the design time will use the myfaces runtime to execute the components and display them in the VE - not the RI which are shipped with JDeveloper.

1. You can add myfaces libs directly to your project or
2. you can first add them to the collection of available libs in JDeveloper and then grab them from that collection when creating a new project.


Mike Duffy wrote:
Does anyone have a link to a tutorial or blog entry on using MyFaces with Oracle's JDeveloper?



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