Hi guys –


I’ve researched this pretty thoroughly and I don’t think this is a mistake on my part.


I’m worried that the general issue I’m demonstrating may extend beyond showOne items, but they’re all I’ve tested so far. The following bug is demonstrated with showOneChoice, but I know for certain that it is also a problem with showOneTab. I haven't tested it with other showOne components, but am guessing we'll get similar results.


Basically, if you have a showOne component inside a form AND inside a facet, it stops working properly. When you select an item from the showOne, it automatically reverts back to the first item in the list no matter what you selected.


I am certain this has nothing to do with the outputText component inside the showDetailItem… I originally had different components in there, and only substituted in the outputText because it’s a simple small component that makes testing easy.


Here is a sample setup:




      <f:facet name="right">

            <af:showOneChoice position="top">

                  <af:showDetailItem text="Item One" id="_1234321" >

                        <af:outputText value="Showing One"/>


                  <af:showDetailItem text="Item Two" id="_12345654321" >

                        <af:outputText value="Showing Two"/>







If you replace the panelBorder with a panelPage (i.e. another component with a facet), you get the same behavior.


<af:form id="someform">

<af:panelPage id="_adasd">

<f:facet name="menu1">

<af:showOneChoice position="top">

<af:showDetailItem text="Item One" id="_1234321" >

<af:outputText value="Showing One" id="sdasda"/>


<af:showDetailItem text="Item Two" id="_12345654321" >

<af:outputText value="Showing Two" id="asdsadads"/>








Remove the form, and everything works fine:    



<f:facet name="right">

      <af:showOneChoice position="top">

      <af:showDetailItem text="Item One" id="_1234321" >

            <af:outputText value="Showing One"/>


      <af:showDetailItem text="Item Two" id="_12345654321" >

            <af:outputText value="Showing Two"/>







Keep the form, but pull the showOne item OUT of the facet, everything works fine:  



<af:form id="someform">

<af:panelPage id="_adasd">

<f:facet name="menu1">

<af:outputText value="Facet requires a tag" id="asdsadaddsadsas"/>


<af:showOneChoice position="top">

<af:showDetailItem text="Item One" id="_1234321" >

<af:outputText value="Showing One" id="sdasda"/>


<af:showDetailItem text="Item Two" id="_12345654321" >

<af:outputText value="Showing Two" id="asdsadads"/>






It does not matter if the showOne item is a top level child of the facet or not. This also fails:


<af:form id="someform">

<af:panelPage id="_adasd">

<f:facet name="menu1">

<af:panelBox id="box" text="header" background="">

<af:showOneChoice position="top">

<af:showDetailItem text="Item One" id="_1234321" >

<af:outputText value="Showing One" id="sdasda"/>


<af:showDetailItem text="Item Two" id="_12345654321" >

<af:outputText value="Showing Two" id="asdsadads"/>








I’m going to do more testing to determine if there are other types of components that misfire inside a facet inside a form, and I’ll let you guys know. In the meantime, hopefully the ADF guys who know the code can spot the problem.


I don’t think this is relevant to the issue, but in the interests of full disclosure I am using facelets for my view handler.


I am on the nightlies for facelets, MyFaces, and ADF Faces as of Monday 3/27… however I know for certain that this bug was around in earlier versions, because I upgraded in an attempt to fix the bug, and was previously using MyFaces 1.1.1, the original ADF Faces drop, and whatever version of facelets was out there in December ‘05.


I’m copying this to the myfaces list because the adffaces list just came up yesterday and people who have something to add may not have signed up yet.


Jeremy Sager

Data Communications Product Manager

Chesapeake System Solutions

410.356.6805 x120


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