Hi Martin (and Marco & Matt!), first of all thanks a lot for taking the time to reply guys.

@ Martin: I think I will indeed avoid throwing yet another component at it, currently I am already using Sping, MyFaces, JPOX (JDO2), ... That'll do :-)
Certainly if apparently I can do without.

From your reply I understand (correct me if I'm wrong) that you use the injection from an opposite angle: JSF beans in your Spring config file (your solution) instead of Spring beans in the faces-config file. (my approach)
Is this what you meant or did I misundestood?
I guess, looking at the results I get, your approach will be the recommended one as clearly the injection doing it my way doesn't work unless you apply that 'hack' in the constructor. I call it 'hack' as it's not elegant. It hardwires instead of injects.

As for your scope remark (your point Nr4) I understood from quickly reading the Spring 2 docs (not yet using it though - first have to get this project bugfree!!!!) that Sping 2 beans do actually feature "scope" so that problem may not have to be addressed in the JSF domain anymore, as it can just be used from the Spring (-2) domain.

About the last question "StartupServletContextListener": the question was meant broader, apart from this issue: is it necessary to include this line in the web.xml when using MyFaces? I have seen both (MyFaces-) examples with and without it. My guess (and fear if I drop it) is that the JSF (MyFaces) context params won't be read anymore if you omit this line? (like "javax.faces.CONFIG_FILES", "javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD", ... )?

Best Regards,
Philippe Lamote

Ps Anyone knows whether smth changed for the Spring-JSF integration between Spring v.1 & v2? (looking at teh doc on the Spring site, I would say "no" unless they haven't updated that part yet)


On 02 Apr 2006, at 19:07, Martin Marinschek wrote:

Hi Philippe,

let me try to shed some light onto the problem:

1) jsf-spring (the library) is nice, but not necessary. Spring's JSF
variable resolver is good enough.

2) We used jsf-spring (the library) on a large project, and ran into
class-loader issues under Websphere. Use it on your own risk.

3) Spring's included JSF variable resolver is nice - and I use it
regularly for resolving spring-beans. I don't use it to inject spring
beans int JSF beans, though. I suppose it should work, though, with
looking at the code. If you want to dig deeper:


should call


and there, your spring-bean should be used.

4) One word of warning: Spring beans will not be able to think in
terms of scope - or put otherway, they'll always have a scope of
"none" or "application". Manfred was trying to find a solution for
this before he went on vacations, maybe he'll come up with something
after returning totally refreshed ;). Maybe this is the problem,
though. Not sure.

5) You're right - the StartupServletContextListener doesn't have
anything to do with the problem.

Werner, are you using injection of spring beans into JSF beans?



On 4/2/06, Matt Raible <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At first glance, everything looks correct. You could try downloading
Equinox and comparing your configuration.

https://equinox.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentList? folderID=4847

There's a pre-built JSF version available - with Spring and Hibernate
on the backend.  You'll need a database whose settings match
WEB-INF/classes/jdbc.properties in order to deploy it.

https://equinox.dev.java.net/files/documents/1901/30019/equinox- jsf.war


On 4/2/06, Philippe Lamote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi List,

I'm getting unexplainable MyFaces-Spring integration problems, I was
hoping someone could give a hint.

1/ First some setup info: I followed the Sping & JSF doc and did this
to integrate the two: (I will try to be being extensive as big errors
often small roots...)

1.1 Libs were added (in web-inf/lib of course; spring.jar & spring-
web.jar) Tools I use are: Eclipse 3.2, WTP plugin, Tomcat 5.12 and
Spring 1.2
1.2 web.xml features:



... and:


... and:

class>org.springframework.web.util.Log4jConfigListener</listener- class>

class>org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener</ listener-

1.3 faces-config file features:


.... and an exampe how the JSF Managed beans are declared in this
faces-config.xml with Spring Managed beans: ("webfacade" is a Spring
Managed bean, cf Sping config file further)

<managed-bean- class>be.mnemonica.web.beans.ManagerBean</managed-

1.4 Sping applicationContext.xml: (extrait)

<bean id="jdo2Persistor"
class="be.mnemonica.persistence.JDO2PersistenceDelegator" >
        <property name="modelPackageName">
<description> The name of the package where the model classes of
the application reside, for which this Persistence Delegator is
written) </description>
        <property name="appMgr"><ref local="appmgr"/></property>


<bean id="webfacade" class="be.mnemonica.client.WebFacade">
        <property name="persistor">
<description>The Persistor Delegator for the Facade. </description>
                <ref local="jdo2Persistor"/>

The idea is: this WebFacade is used by all JSF Managed beans to
delegate calls to the proper Delegator (e.g. CRUD Model-related calls
are delegated to the PersistenceDelgatorInterface - I have Sping
inject this Interface with a JDO2 Implementation implementing this

Just to be explicit:
I have NOT declared my Spring beans as JSF manage beans (should I?) I don't inject any Spring Managed bean with a JSF Managed bean

2/ Yet, the problems I'm having are substantial.
The JSF Managed beans just DON'T seem to be injected with
Sping-"filled" instances (the supposedly injected values are null)
E.g. in the case above, "modelPackageName" remained "null".
I could solve some issues by putting in all the JSF Managed beans'
Constructors: (e.g. in this JSF managerbean)
ApplicationContext ctx = FacesContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext
        facade = (WebFacade)ctx.getBean("webfacade");

Yet of course this is a pity; I'm hardwiring again & creating
explicit dependancies to Spring. (which is... the opposite of why I
turned to Spring in the first place!! :-))

--> Anyone else had issues like this? (or did I forget smth?)
Or, even if not, any genious idea how to make this work properly? (a
lesser genius idea that works will be admired as well ;-)

  & Just to make sure I get the sequence right, is it correct that
this is the mechanism:
By these settings, every time a JSF Managed bean creates a JSF bean,
Spring intervenes and injects (in cascade) the configured properties. So
JSF bean creation USES Spring pre-configured Properties.
Last and least (small sub question) I haven't noticed a difference
when I leave the MyFaces 's "StartupServletContextListener" in, or
out the web.xml. --> Is it necessary?!




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