Are you able to run multiple portlets that use commandLink or commandButton on the same page? I have never been able to get that to work. A single portlet works fine, but two don't.


Dave Brondsema wrote:
I don't think using a different portlet container will make a
difference.  I'm running portlets using MyFaces in Liferay 3.6.1 without
any major issues.

Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
There has been some mails regarding liferay,
can you please "test" against pluto or JBoss portal ?


On 4/20/06, Benjamin Bratkus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hello all,

actually i try to deploy a myfaces portlet to liferay 3.6.1 enterprise.
but the problem is, that  the all the values of my input components
aren't written to the model. the app is running well in a tomcat 5.5.18
standalone but within the portal......
has anyone a hint for me ?

best regards,-


Matthias Wessendorf
Aechterhoek 18
48282 Emsdetten

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