
I have a problem using Tomahawk's Tree2 - Component.
I'm using Sun's JSF - RI and the additional Tomahawk_1.1.2-JAR, the
MyFacesExtensionsFilter is installed and seems working (tree renders the + -
The Problem i get is that the Tree2-Component just renders a "<!-- MYFACES
JAVASCRIPT -->", but no other "real" JavaScript-Code, so the Component
doesn't work :-( In my Web.yml i have set myfaces_allow_javascript to
"true", but does this have any impact if i'm not using the MyFaces-Servlet
but Sun's ?
Changing javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD to true or false doesn't help
anything, nor does myfaces_allow_javascript = true/false ...

How do i get the necessary JavaScript-Functions (clear_MyFormsName() etc.)
get rendered ?!
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Tree2-t1625729.html#a4404946
Sent from the MyFaces - Users forum at Nabble.com.

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