I was thinking about a solution for the popup window problem in JSF..
someone has suggested to use a simple javascript, but any user action
on the caller page that hasn't be submitted isn't notified to the
backing beans, and validations are not executed.. in my case, the
current row of a dataTable isn't update with the clicked one. So I got
an idea, I'm sharing it to know if it is praticable.

The solution should be a new UICommand component, let's name it
<s:commandPopupWindow>. When activated, the enclosing form is
submitted as usual to itself (with validation executed if immediate is
false, and all standard behaviours triggered with a normal commandLink
or commandButton). But in the resulting page a javascript function is
attached and automatically called in the onLoad body event handler,
that opens the popupWindow.

The tag should supports child <f:param> components to define
parameters to be passed to the child window.. this could be done
rendering an additional form on the resulting page with an hidden
field for each <f:param> nested element, and having the javascript
function submit that hidden form in the child window's target.

What do you think about a solution of this type? I don't have any
experience in writing JSF components, do you see any problem with
implementing this behaviour?


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