This is the code that exhibits the behavior:

It should layout like: 
X X   (both Xs are the sheets span)

But it lays out like:
With both inputs being the same height as the sheet.

<t:panel id="whitelistPanel">
  <f:facet name="layout">
    <t:gridLayout rows="fixed"/>
  <t:box height="600px" width="800px" id="whitelistBox">
    <f:facet name="toolBar">
      <t:toolBar labelPosition="left">
        <t:toolBarCommand label="Add" tip="Add the Sender to the left to
your whitelist" action="#{whitelist.addEntry}"/>
        <t:toolBarCommand label="Delete"
action="#{whitelist.deleteEntries}" image="images/delete.png"
tip="Delete selected messages(s)"/>
        <t:toolBarCommand label="Refresh" action="#{whitelist.refresh}"
image="images/view-refresh.png" tip="Refresh list of quarantined
    <t:panel id="whitelistPanel1">
      <f:facet name="name=layout">
        <t:gridLayout columns="1*;1*" rows="fixed;fixed"/>
      <tx:in label="New Sender" value="#{whitelist.newSender}"/>
      <tx:in label="New Recipient" value="#{whitelist.newRecipient}"/>
      <t:cell spanY="2">
        <t:sheet value="#{whitelist.entriesList}" id="whitelistSheet"
columns="3*;3*" var="whitelistRec" state="#{whitelist.selectedEntries}"
showPageRange="right" pagingLength="7">
          <t:column label="Sender" id="From" sortable="true">
            <t:out value="#{whitelistRec.sender}"/>
          <t:column label="Recipient" id="To" sortable="false"
            <t:out value="#{whitelistRec.recipient}"/>

-----Original Message-----
From: Volker Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 1:48 AM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: Tobago sheets don't gridLayout with other components?

Hi John,

i never observed such a problem, but i can't try it out before Monday.
Can you post some example code?


John wrote:
> It seems that sheets don't participate in a gridLayout like normal 
> components.
> When a sheet is involved (even when wrapped in a cell), it seems to 
> break the gridLayout and the components (including the sheet) are 
> layed out as if no layout existed.
> John

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