
I've created a component with a binding expression in which I created a 
component tree.
The Tree contains 2 combo boxes with some items. Upon Selection of one item in 
the combo box
(ValueChangeEvent) I change the entries in the 2nd combo box. But whichever way 
I do this, the change is 
never reflected on the page, it always shows the same 2 comboxes with the same 
entries again.

To modify the box I use e.g.
UISelectOne combo; //tried creating new instances as well as re-using them
                   //via a hasmap
UISelectItem[] items = new UISelectItem [ 4];
.. add and fill array ..
combo.getChildren().addAll( items);

How do I tell it to render the complete page again? Is their some kind of cache 
for HTML code?

I also tried adding value binding expressions for the entries, but the getter 
is never called ...

Thanks for your help,

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