Has anyone gotten a chance to look at the article [1] I mentioned? I would be interested to see what you guys think of their approach.

[1] http://java.sys-con.com/read/250254_1.htm


Jeff Bischoff
Kenneth L Kurz & Associates, Inc.

Jeff Bischoff wrote:
Greetings Colleagues,

I have often wondered what the majority of you are using for authentication and authorization in your non-public websites. Over the last year on this mailing list, I have seen bits and scraps of discussion on this topic. Most often, I hear mention of solutions like container-managed security and phase listeners. Sometimes custom navigation-handlers or servlet filters get mentioned too. Cant' say I've quite seen evidence of any consensus on which of these is preferred, so I'm interested to hear your thoughts.

I have come across this article [1] which offers an approach (and some source code) to authorization in JSF. What are your opinions on this approach? Would you consider this and similar approaches to be best practice? What other alternatives can you recommend (from experience)?

I will post my specific requirements for my security search as a reply to this post, so as not to narrow the overall discussion.

[1] http://java.sys-con.com/read/250254_1.htm


Jeff Bischoff
Kenneth L Kurz & Associates, Inc.

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