there is no official sandbox release, since sandbox is always more or
less under construction. So if you want to use some sandbox components
i would really suggest to use the latest version. But "under
construction" does not mean that all components are quite unstable. In
most of the cases they work very well.

Regarding TableSuggestAjax, it worked also (depends on the usecase :))
before the migration. There seems to be a new issue which must be
introduced a few days ago.

I will have a look on this.

Which usecase do you have, when using this component? I am sure that i
can tell you if it is currently possible..



Before end of December, i will put online two new insurance products
(House and Life) ;
For one person to be able to subscribe an insurance contrat on
internet, we need to give him a policy price for his house (price
depending on zipcode/city). On a specific form,
we will have the possibility to enter either a zipcode or a city
(limited in France).
The Subscriber can enter the zipcode/city by searching the zipcode or
by the city.
When he has choosen the zipcode/city, values are copied in the specific fields.

It's exactly what is on the example.


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