Hi all,

What is the best practice to show h:commandLinks inside a h:dataTable
whose data are
fetched from a database (say, bound to #{TableBean.rows})?

As you know, when I click on a commandLink inside a h:dataTable, the
TableBean's getRows is invoked again and this causes some serious
usability problems.

I don't like storing the data in session scope. Also I cannot fetch
the data on every
request, because the result of the query that fetches data (select *
from FOO) can
change, as new rows might have been inserted to/removed from/updated
in the FOO table
in the time between the calls.

t:saveState seems to be network-bandwidth-hungry because it serializes the
#{TableBean.rows} to the client, and the client transfers it back to
the server on form
submit (am I right?)


"Science is a differential equation. Religion is a boundary condition"
- Alan Turing

Behrang Saeedzadeh

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