My suggestions:

1) with a bit of javascript
    <inputfield "selectedRowId"/>
    <button for action/>


2) Create you own datatable component for showing datas, a component
that will not iterate when it broadcasts for action.

3) Look in the net for a 'select row' jsf and datatable, there are
plenty of tips there using javascript to choose a row to perform an
action on.

4) check the net (tomahawk, myfaces sandbox, adf faces, trinidad?) for
an existing component that goes around your problem (am sure such
component has already been developped)

Note datatable was meaned to show datas in ouput, not to create N input
component. At least that how i see limitations on datatable.
Behrang Saeedzadeh a écrit :
> Hi all,
> What is the best practice to show h:commandLinks inside a h:dataTable
> whose data are
> fetched from a database (say, bound to #{TableBean.rows})?
> As you know, when I click on a commandLink inside a h:dataTable, the
> TableBean's getRows is invoked again and this causes some serious
> usability problems.
> I don't like storing the data in session scope. Also I cannot fetch
> the data on every
> request, because the result of the query that fetches data (select *
> from FOO) can
> change, as new rows might have been inserted to/removed from/updated
> in the FOO table
> in the time between the calls.
> t:saveState seems to be network-bandwidth-hungry because it serializes
> the
> #{TableBean.rows} to the client, and the client transfers it back to
> the server on form
> submit (am I right?)
> Regards,
> Behi

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