When exactly do you call getInputFor()? During rendering process?
according to specs, findComponent will not work properly if your Label
is not yet attached to it's parent NamingContainer. (form in you case),
so i would suggest to check for getInputFor only in renderer.

En l'instant précis du 12/21/06 11:44, Josué Alcalde González
s'exprimait dans toute sa noblesse:
> I am extending HtmlOutputLabel adding a "*" when its for component is
> required.
> I am almost successful but I am having a problem.
> The "*" is not rendered the first time the page is rendered.
> The problem, is that findComponent does not find the "for" component
> using findComponent the first time:
> [...]
> public EditableValueHolder getInputFor(){
>       UIComponent uiFor = findComponent(getFor());
>       if (uiFor == null || !(uiFor instanceof EditableValueHolder))
>               return null;
>       return (EditableValueHolder) uiFor;
> }
> [...]
> EditableValueHolder uiFor = uiLabel.getInputFor();
> if (uiFor == null || !((EditableValueHolder) uiFor).isRequired())
>       return;
> [...]
> <f:view>
>       <h:form>
>               <csa:outputLabel id="ol" value="Hello world" for="it""/>
>               <t:inputText id="it" required="true" />
>               <t:commandButton id="cb" value="Button"/>
>       </h:form>
>       <t:messages />
> </f:view>
> Why it is not find 

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