Hello Madan,

use the

 <f:facet name="change">
            <tc:command />

for selectOneChoice

a working example you can find at:



madan chowdary wrote:
ya bernd,

thnx for the reply...

its working fine now.

I got one more doubt regarding <tx:selectOneChoice/> .

There are two list boxes, one of the list box depends on other.

Say if i select car, the second list box should display list of cars available.

if i select bike, the second list box should display list of bikes available.

Saw the onchange event for <tx:selectOneChoice/>, but dont know how to proceed 
with Tobago.

how can i achieve my task with this case ?


----- Original Message ----
From: Bernd Bohmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: MyFaces Discussion <users@myfaces.apache.org>
Sent: Saturday, 3 February, 2007 5:05:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Tobago] Problem with JSTL

Hello Madan,

you can use the rendered attribute

<tc:in  rendered="#{somemangedbean.shipToLookup}" />
<tc:selectOneChoice rendered="#{!somemangedbean.shipToLookup}" />


madan chowdary wrote:
Hi bred,

ya i did a couple of search on web but didn't find anything that would be 
useful when doing some kind of conditional checking in JSP code which using 

The <tc:out/> is placed just for debugging .

The actual case is to display different components for different conditions.

say if " shipToLookup is true " then a <tc:in> should be displayed else 
<tc:selectOneChoice/> must be displayed

So thats the reason i was using JSTL.

If not using JSTL, plz advice me how to proceed with the above case.

a bit urgent for this now.


----- Original Message ----
From: Bernd Bohmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: MyFaces Discussion <users@myfaces.apache.org>
Sent: Saturday, 3 February, 2007 3:40:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Tobago] Problem with JSTL

Hello Madan,

why you choose jstl?

jstl and jsf doesn't work very well together.
Please try a web search.

Why you don't use this

<tc:out value="#{somemangedbean.shipToLookup}"/>



madan chowdary wrote:
hi all,

I resolved the problem by placing standards.jar and jstl.jar in my lib and was 
able to use JSTL core tag.

But was facing a issue when using conditional checking in my JSP.

a part of my JSP looks like this

    <c:when test="${requestScope.checkout.shipToLookup}">
       <tc:out value="ShipToLookup is enabled "/>
<tc:out value="ShipToLookup is disabled "/> </c:otherwise> </c:choose> </tc:cell>

the getter for this shipToLookup is as such

public boolean getShipToLookup() {
        return true;
        //return shipToLookup;

but always i get the output as " ShipToLookup is disabled " which is printed with 
<tc:out/> as shown in above jsp snippet.

not only this, i am checking for a variable if it is equal to 1 .
Even that condition is also failing.

Is it problem with JSTL or Tobago or me ? its very confusing.

Awaiting for a response ASAP.

Thnx in regards,

----- Original Message ----
From: Udo Schnurpfeil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: MyFaces Discussion <users@myfaces.apache.org>
Sent: Monday, 29 January, 2007 1:16:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Tobago] Problem with JSTL

Hello Madan,

seens this is not a Tobago but a JSTL question.

Do you have an implementation for the JSTL in your classpath? You need both: API + Impl. You may use the apache implementation (standard.jar): See http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/
If using maven try to add:

Hope that helps


madan chowdary schrieb:
Hi all,

i was having problem with JSTL tag.

I want to display 20 text fields in each row.

Thought to use <tc:forEach/>, but saw that its deprecated in tlddocs.

So opted for <c:forEach/>.

I included jstl.jar in lib directory.

tried with both

<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core";;;; preifx="c" %>


<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core";;;; preifx="c" %>

But was getting error saying that the taglib is not specified in web.xml or either in the classpath.

tried with different versions of JSTL.But same error.

how to achieve my task using <c:forEach/>

thnx in regards,


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