Hi Werner

Yes, you could use facelets for parameters.
What I actually need is to use an alias bean on the same page.
Is there a mistake I am doing?

On 2/28/07, Werner Punz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Laurentiu Trica schrieb:
> Hi Werner,
> I use Spring 2 and facelets too.
> How can I do the same functionality using facelets?

yes facelets allow componentization on the view layer, since you already
are on facelets there is absolutely no reason for aliasbean.

check out the ui:component part of the facelet manuals
what you can do is basically that you can add new tags for pageparts
which can have input parameters, pretty much exactly what you can get
with aliasbean but way less verbose, because you define it once
and then you just work with the tag.

Best regards,

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