Hello Udo,

thank you for the reply.
I will try both options.


> I only see 2 options, both standard JSF:
>    1. check "manually" in the action method, use facesContext.addMessage()
>    2. write your own validator
> I don't know a more declarative way in the moment.
> Regards,
> Udo
> Clemens Sietas schrieb:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have another question regarding the datepicker.
> > Can I easily ensure in JSF-coding that the
> > selectedVldtyEnd cannot be selected with a smaller date
> > than the selectedVldtyBeg?
> > For example with <f:validate...>
> >
> > Regards,
> > Clemens
> >
> > <tx:date id="vldtyBeg"
> >          value="#{controller.selectedVldtyBeg}"
> >          label="#{controller.keyLblValidityBegin}"
> >          readonly="#{controller.forEditSelected}">
> >   <f:convertDateTime pattern="dd.MM.yyyy"/>
> > </tx:date>
> > <tx:date id="vldtyEnd"
> >          value="#{controller.selectedVldtyEnd}"
> >          label="#{controller.keyLblValidityEnd}">
> >   <f:convertDateTime pattern="dd.MM.yyyy"/>
> > </tx:date>
> >
> >   

Clemens Sietas

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