If there's no tree, I suspect that the state parameter is
not getting submitted.  Check the G4JSF code to see if
it has hardcoded a list of request parameters to submit.

-- Adam

On 5/29/07, D. Cardon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,

I'm using MyFaces Trinidad and am integrating the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) to 
work along with it.
I am using the G4JSF project along with some of my own modifications.  So far, 
everything on the
client side is working just fine, but I am having difficulty communicating with 
the server when
the GWT fires an event.  Since the G4JSF project works just fine without 
Trinidad, I figured a
little  enlightenment on Trinidad's workings would be very helpful.

Here's the part of the process that is having problems:

1. The G4JSF project latches correctly onto the GWT event, which is correctly 
parsed from the
client's request.

2. G4JSF implements a phase listener, which propagates the GWT event after the 
Restore View phase
has completed.

3. After the restore view phase completes, the phase listener's code correctly 
runs, but the
component tree is not "restored".  That is, there IS a view root available, but 
it has no
children.  So, when "invokeOnComponent" is called on the 
facesContext.getViewRoot(), the GWT event
never makes it to the GWT component.  Also, I noticed that the
variable in the request
is set to 'false'.

Now my questions:

- Shouldn't the component tree be completely constructed by the end of the 
Restore View phase?
- If not, is there a better way to propagate the GWT event to a function in the 
backing bean?
- Since the G4JSF client-server communication works fine in JSF without 
Trinidad, how does
Trinidad modify the process?

Thanks for any help!

--David Cardon

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