
I have a little note to HTML code, generated by tr:input components in label area. This code has changed in some latest release (I think) and now look as:

<tr class="AFFieldNumberMarker af_inputText">
<td class="af_inputText_label af_panelFormLayout_label-cell" nowrap="nowrap">
   <!--Start: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.Input["_id10"]-->
   <span id="_id10::icon" style="display: none;">
     <a name="_msgAnc__id10" title="Error" class="AFErrorIconStyle">X</a>
   <label for="_id10">Order No:</label>

For next styling of label (for example for its vertical alignment before multi line text input) I have big problems with "&nbsp;" included in code. I think, that it will be better to avoid this "&nbsp;" (generally - all hard coded formating) and space between icon and text realize by right margin in icon element in base style?

Thanks for Your opinion,

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