the statusid property is an Integer.
What the wiki page suggests, is that the itemValue="#{3}" will return a valueexpression with the correct type. My issue seems to be that the valueExpression #{3} type is actually not Integer, but Long.
Therefore I must use the converter.

I was expecting the #{3} to be of type Integer instead of Long..
With a Long statusid, you don't need to use the explicit converter when using the #{3}. What I really want is a way to express an Integer value with a valueexpression, which in my oppinion
should be #{3}, and the Long value would be #{3L} just like in Java.


David Delbecq skrev:
does testBean.getStatusId() return a String or a Long? If you don't
specify manually a converter, then JSF will try to find a suitable
converter based on the type of the selectonemenu value (not the select
item value!).

To check submitted value validity, as far as i know, myfaces will
compare the selectItem itemValue converte as String with the submitted
string value. Maybe, without converter, value inside your html form
looks like <option value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">...</option>?

En l'instant précis du 27/06/07 12:14, Safurudin Mahic s'exprimait en
ces termes:
Ok - I tried to implement the solution -

<h:selectOneMenu id="statusid"
                               <f:selectItem itemValue="#{0}"
itemLabel="Ikke paabegynt" />
                               <f:selectItem itemValue="#{1}"
itemLabel="Under arbeid" />
                               <f:selectItem itemValue="#{2}"
itemLabel="Kansellert" />
                               <f:selectItem itemValue="#{3}"
itemLabel="Utfort" />
                               <f:convertNumber integerOnly="true"/>

however, I still got the validation error when I didn't use the
explicit f:convertNumber.
I'm guessing the #{0} etc are integer valueexpressions, hence
returning the correct type to the value of
the selectonemenu. Wouldn't the expected behavior be that it works
without the explicit converter?


Cagatay Civici skrev:

Sounds like;


On 6/27/07, *Safurudin Mahic* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    I'm having problems getting a correct form submittal with a simple
    selectOneMenu in the latest MyFaces and TomaHawk.

    After issuing the command button, I'm getting "Validation Error
    "statusid": Value is not a valid option."
    The statusid is an Integer value on the backing bean.
    In previous versions (1.1.1) this works fine. Doesn't
    in later versions autoconvert strings to integers where appropriate?

    My form looks like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

    <html xmlns="";
        xml:lang="en" lang="en">

            <h:messages globalOnly="false" showDetail="true"
            <h:selectOneMenu id="statusid"
                                            <f:selectItem itemValue="0"
                                                itemLabel="Test1" />
                                            <f:selectItem itemValue="1"
    itemLabel="Test2" />
                                            <f:selectItem itemValue="2"
    itemLabel="Test3" />
                                            <f:selectItem itemValue="3"
                                                itemLabel="Test4" />

            <h:commandButton />
            <h:outputText value="#{ testBean.statusid}"></h:outputText>

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