Thank you, your component is really interesting.

I take a look at the source and It seems to me I need just one more thing
(correct if I'am wrong):

Page A -> Page B

I can do some initialization before render page B,
If, with your component, I add an an action method with an outcome that
makes me go to Page C, I can do
Paga A -> Page B (not rendered) -> Page C    (for end-user Page A -> Page C)

But If I have some logic in Page C initialization that makes me go to page

If I've understood I can't do this because the PhaseListener isn't fired
again before Page C render, right?

I mean: rules aren't chainable, are them?

I think is somehow possible to do something like that... but maybe I'm just
trying to raise universe entropy :)


2007/7/6, Andrew Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Have a look at my on-load component:

Or use the one from JBoss-Seam or Shale

On 7/6/07, Stefano Panero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I'm pretty sure that the answer is already in the list... but i can't
> it... sorry.
> I've to do something like this:
> 1) click on a commndButton -> outcome -> new page
> 2) *before render* new page -> some beans' initialization
> I knew I can do this either in the constructor of backing bean or  with
> managed setter properties (or maybe a PhaseListener, actually i don't
> how...)
> But I need  one more  step:
> 3) If some conditions are true -> go to another page (another view)
> I can't understand how can I do this. In which method?  In which phase?
> Thank.
> Stefano.

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