Hello Ariel,

Martin is right. However, Trinidad (and JSF 1.2) also offers a shortcut for
those ever repeating 3 lines of code. You can simply call


~ Simon

On 7/12/07, Martin Marinschek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Ariel,

you'll have to clean out the value of the input-text - the problem that
you are seeing is that JSF takes the current value in the inputText
component, and sees this as more important than the backing bean value.

so you'll have to bind your inputText to your backing bean (using
binding="#{myBean.myInputText}", and a getter/setter pair getMyInputText /
setMyInputText in your backing bean) and then call:


with this, your inputText will reread the value from the backing bean!



On 7/12/07, Ariel Di Mattia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am having some problems with PPR.  When I try to update an inputText,
> it's
> simply do nothing (no errors or warnings).  But, if I put the same
> partialTriggers in other component (i.e. outputFormatted) with same
> backing
> bean, all works fine.
> Here is my code:
> <f:view>
> <tr:document title="#{title.applicationName}">
>         <t:div styleClass="mainPanel">
>                 <tr:form id="form">
>                 <tr:commandButton id="pSub_button"
>                             immediate="true"
>                             partialSubmit="true"
>                             text="Update"
>                             actionListener="#{newAgent.editContact}">
>             </tr:commandButton>
>                 <tr:panelLabelAndMessage label="OUTPUT FORMATTED: ">
>                         <tr:outputFormatted id="cmdTarget1"
>                                        partialTriggers="pSub_button"
>                                        styleUsage="instruction"
>                                        value="#{newAgent.nombreContacto}">
>                    </tr:outputFormatted>
>           </tr:panelLabelAndMessage>
>           <tr:panelLabelAndMessage label="INPUT TEXT: ">
>                           <tr:inputText id="cmdTarget3"
>                                 partialTriggers="pSub_button"
>                             value="#{newAgent.nombreContacto}">
>                           </tr:inputText>
>           </tr:panelLabelAndMessage>
>                 </tr:form>
>         </t:div>
> </tr:document>
> </f:view>
> And backing bean method for actionListener:
>         public void editContact(ActionEvent event) {
>                 this.setNombreContacto("NOMBRE PPR");
>         }
> Any ideas?. Is possible to do an inputText update via PPR?.  I think
> that yes,
> but...my method seems  to be incorrect :((((
> Thanks for all!!!.
> Ariel.



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