Francisco Passos wrote:
Great to know you've got it working.

I'm now using the process scope feature of Trinidad and it's works fine but
it means that I will have to clear the process scope context manually at the appropriate time within the application to avoid high memory consumption on
the server side.

That is exactly why I'm choosing to avoid to use process scope as much as
I'm avoiding session. I guess I'll only use it if I need to do something
session-scoped that requires support for tabbed browsing, for instance.

I haven't played much with process scope and haven't used it recently, so I could be wrong, but:

That's the point of process scope, though; the clean-up is handled for you automatically. That's the difference between process scope and session scope.

IIRC, the way it works is that data you place *into* process scope in request N will be available *from* process scope in request N+1, but will be gone in request N+2 unless you explicitly refresh it.


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