Ok I talked with Matthias regarding all ths
first of all there seems to be an issue with tomcat 6 regarding
JSTL compatibility Tomahawk seems to have hooks into it.

Matthias told me that Jetty works, Tomcat doesnt (seems to be Tomcats fault or jaspers in Tomcat 6.0.13)

The problem goes away as soon as you use facelets, since facelets does not require JSP. (Hence my application works)

With Facelets also the usage of Tomcat 6 is possible.


Werner Punz schrieb:
Ok sorry for this, as it seems
there is an issue in the examples
with Tomcat 6 and the jstl needed by the
sandbox examples, my app was not affected
since it does not use the jstl (and facelets work fine)
can anyone confirm this, not sure why the jstl is in the tomahawk
examples at all.

If anyone of the myfaces 1.2 authors could jump in here I would be grateful ;-)

The funny thing is in my facelets/spring configuration I am not affected
not sure where the problem is, but it must be a mixture of jstl dependencies which and tomcat 6 :-)

Werner Punz schrieb:
Wolf Benz schrieb:
Hi List

It's very cool MyFaces 1.2 finally got out of the door but...

It's again a true pain setting MyFaces up correctly before it works... (more than it should). I remember it took me an entire week before I had MyFaces 1.x configured correctly with the Extension Filter etc. What a waste of time :-( In the mean time, other sites have helped out and put a proper Tutorial or a complete "blank app" online but this major new release demands renewed examples and ... is a chance for e renewed approach.

Yet, with MyFaces 1.2.0 out, I see the old the same mistakes are made again:

- no examples
- no info on the web.xml (like: should it specify servlet container v 2.5 now?) - no info on the faces-config.xml (like: should it specify http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-facesconfig_1_1.dtd or v.1.2?)
- no info on what jars are exactly required
- no compatibility matrix (like: works with Tomcat6? Can you use Tomahawk (e.g. of version 1.6) together with MyFaces1.2?

Hi Wolf, first of all sorry for the lack of examples and documentation for now anyway.

I just moved a project testwise up to the current myfaces and sort of was pleasantly surprised how good it went, so some help here from my side:

First of all MyFaces 1.2 needs the latest JEE5 implementations of the servlet jsp/servlet api and at least java 5 (sorry but that is a limitation introduced by JSF 1.2 itself)

So what you have to do, the configuration basically stayed the same from what I could tell, I didnt have to alter my old web.xml

You just have to make sure you run on a container which provides the latest standard (it was tomcat 6 in my case)

then I removed all jars wich referenced jsp apis, el apis and jasper, or serlvet apis, I moved the myfaces libs up to the latest versions as well as their dependencies (which come in in the pack)

the last problem and this is a bug in Tomahawk, which I am filing at the moment, is a dependency into commons-el, you have to readd the jar if you use the sandbox and tomahawk unfortunately, I dont know if this can cause sideffects, but so far I couldnt notice one (but I am on facelets anyway)

Once this is done it should run.

I get the impression the jars are just dumped online and the makers have a great time looking at how users have a terrible time figuring it all out themselves...

Actually no it definitely is not like that, we are no sadists, it is more along the lines, that the implementation is way overdue timewise and it had to get out asap, so that the server programmers can start using it. Expect the situation to improve soon.
(Btw. thanks to all the guys who finally got the release out)

As I cannot image no one on this list has such example, could someone take the effort of posting the jar online to help all the rest of us out? My setup is: Tomcat6, MyFaces 1.2, Tomahawk(if possible in combination with MF1.2.0 - also this info is not online)
I guess this setup would currently the most common one.
I spent the last 2 days (starting from my old MF 1.1.5/Toma1.1.5 app on Tomcat 5) trying to migrate it to that setup but to no avail.

Actually if you want contact me either via mail, or via
google talk (same address as posted here) or via icq 46949386 I am yet a mere user of MyFaces 1.2 myself but I might be able to help you out to get it running.



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