do you have any faces messages as a result of changing the menu
(conversion error, validation message, etc.)?

On 8/1/07, bansi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When the page loads the textfield is disabled i.e. non-editable. It should be
> editable only thru onchange event of other component
> Here is the snippet
> <h:selectOneMenu id="assetMgmt" value="#{deviceBean.selectedAsset}"  >
>                                           <f:selectItem itemLabel="" 
> itemValue="" />
>                                           <f:selectItems 
> value="#{deviceBean.assetList}" />
>                                               <a4j:support  
> action="#{deviceBean.loadTagMode}"
> event="onchange"  reRender="propertyTag"/>
>                             </h:selectOneMenu>
> <a4j:outputPanel>
>                        <h:panelGrid columns="2" styleClass="detail"
> columnClasses="label" >
>                         <h:outputLabel><h:outputText  value="Property Tag" />
> </h:outputLabel>
>                             <h:inputText  id="propertyTag" 
> value="#{deviceBean.tagNumber}"
> disabled="#{!updateDeviceBean.disableMode}">
>                                                         <a4j:support  
> action="#{deviceBean.loadAssetDetails}"
> event="onblur" reRender="mypanel"  />
>                              </h:inputText>
>                                         </h:panelGrid>
>                                 </a4j:outputPanel>
> Backing Bean
> public void loadTagMode() {
>           System.out.println("Inside loadTagDetails");
>                   disableMode = true;
> }
> Any pointers/suggestions will be highly appreciated
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the MyFaces - Users mailing list archive at

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