as long as the code of method "setNodeSelected" does not depend on
having an instance of ActionEvent you could simple pass "null" as a
parameter. In my opinion you should do some refactoring because you use
"action" and "actionListener" at the same time. The "action" method is
basically used for navigation and that is not what you want to do here.
You probably just return "null", right? Why not doing throwing away the
action and doing something like:
interface ClickableBaseNode {
public void onClick(ActionEvent event);
class MyBaseNode1 extends TreeNodeBase implements ClickableBaseNode {
public void onClick(ActionEvent event) {
ClickableBaseNode anotherNode = findAnotherNode();
class MyBaseNode2 extends TreeNodeBase implements ClickableBaseNode {
public void onClick(ActionEvent event) {
You just have to create proper implementations of "ClickableBaseNode"
that suit your needs.
kewldude schrieb:
Thanks Christopher, I got the idea, but this is where I am really struggling.
Together with executing the action associated with the node, I have to
change its styleclass to reflect that it was as if the node was clicked. To
achieve that using the normal way, my command link has this:
<a4j:commandLink id="a4jLink" styleClass="#{t.nodeSelected?
'documentSelected':'document'}" action="#{treeBacker.processFolder}"
actionListener="#{t.setNodeSelected}" reRender="a4jGroup" >
To do that programmatically, I think I have to invoke the setNodeSelected in
the backing bean, the problem now is the setNodeSelected is associated with
an ActionEvent, I dont have an ActionEvent object because there was no
actual action that generates the event , I'm just simulating the "event"
programmatically. Any more hints?...
Christopher Cudennec wrote:
Hi there,
you could implement your own TreeNode adding a new method "onClick" (or
whatsoever) that can be called when you found the match in your backing
bean. Does that solve your problem? (Look here for a start:
kewldude schrieb:
Here goes the situation, I have a textbox that can search through the
in the tree2 component. When there is a match, I need to expand the
node. I can do that part no problem. But together with expanding that
the action associated to that node should also be executed (it was as if
that node was clicked), how can I do that? or is it possible to do that
any hints...thanks.