I can't get my 1.2.2 branch to work. I am running it from JDeveloper and so I typed mvn install jdev:jdev, and I added jsf1.2 and JSP Runtime libraries, I removed the myfaces libraries, I removed the h.tld and myfaces-core.tld... things I normally do, but when I run the page it comes up blank.
I've had problems with 1.2.2 branch last time I tried last week, so I know I must not be setting things up correctly.
So... a long way of saying I wasn't able to try this.
- Jeanne

Jeanne Waldman wrote:
It works in trunk. I'll check 1.2.2 branch next.

Simon Lessard wrote:
Hello all,

Using latest 1.2.2 branch, I have a problem with iframe popup skinning where the style class does not get converted. The markup looks like:

<div style="padding: 0px; overflow: auto; position: absolute; z-index: 201; top: 319.5px; left: 558.5px; visibility: visible;"

  <div class="af|panelPopup::title-text af|panelPopup::title-bar" style="display: block;">Pick a Date</div>
  <iframe width="323" height="243" frameborder="0" name="_blank" class="af|panelPopup::content"/>

Anyone got it working?


~ Simon

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