Since I stepped through the code in the server, I can see that the
short names are in that map
(FileSystemStyleCache._getShortStyleClassMap). Besides, I can see all
my changes to the skin reflected in the CSS on the client, so I know
it is not a client side cache issue.

Here is the contents of that map (from a breakpoint in that method):

{p_OraColorPaletteEmptyCell=x95, af|panelBox::medium=x4p,
af|navigationPane::bar-active-disabled=x3d, OraErrorNameText=x8k,
roundedDivContents=xd2, af|treeTable::path-selected-step=x36,
af|menuButtons::text=x5k, af|navigationPane::choice-button=x3r,
af|selectManyListbox::content=x1y, p_OraSideBarMinWidth=xa5,
af|panelFormLayout::separator=x4h, af|navigationPane::tabs-active=x3z,
OraBGAccentDark=x8a, headerPanel=xcv, af|inputFile::content=x22,
af|menuButtons::icon-style=x5l, PortletBodyColor=xb8,
af|outputText=xk, af|column::cell-number=x6x, OraBGGrayMedium=x87,
af|messages::header=x69, af|navigationPane::bar-separator=x3i,
af|inputDate=x1a, af|treeTable::content=x6l,
OraTableControlBarText=xau, p_OraProductBrandingCompactText=xa2,
af|train::parent-end-content=x7w, af|column::header-number=x76,
af|inputChoice::content=x1n, af|selectOneRadio::item-text=,
af|table::control-bar-bottom=x6n, af|column::header-icon-format=x77,
af|train=, af|outputDocument::separator=xp,
af|panelPopup::content=x5j, af|inputFile=x1b, AFDataText=x2,
af|selectOneChoice=x1j, af|panelTabbed::body=xcq,
af|inputNumberSpinbox::increment-cell=x1r, af|panelBox::dark=x4q,
af|panelBox::content-transparent=x52, AFPostalCodeFieldTextMarker=x2b,
helpTabUpperLeft=xct, af|selectOneRadio=x1l, af|panelBox::bottom=x4x,
PortletSubHeaderLink=xbi, AFFieldNumberMarker=x28,
af|inputColor::swatch-overlay=x3b, absoluteRoundedDiv=xd1,
af|panelFormLayout::content-cell=x4l, p_OraTreeRow=xb2,
af|messages::error=x68, portlet-table-body=xc0,
PortletSubHeaderText=xbj, af|menuBar::empty=xcf,
af|navigationPane::bar-active-enabled=x3e, OraBGColorMedium=x83,
af|inputFile::label=xs, af|panelPopup::close-icon=x5i,
af|selectOneListbox::label=x13, af|panelAccordion::title-link=xdd,
af|chooseDate::title=x9b, AFHeaderLevelThreePlus=x64,
af|column::cell-text=x6v, af|panelBox::content-dark=x57,
af|column::sortable-header-number=x7f, OraBGColorVeryDark=x81,
af|selectBooleanCheckbox::content=x23, af|train::parent-end=,
p_OraFooter=x9k, af|selectOneListbox::content=x20,
PortletHeaderLink=xba, af|treeTable::path=x34, af|inputDate::label=xy,
p_OraHideShowDisclosedSymbol=x9q, portlet-section-alternate=xbu,
af|menuPath::step=x38, af|menuBar::body=xcd,
af|showOnePanel::header-collapsed=x5w, af|inputText::content=x1p,
af|train::stop=x7i, OraMessageBoxErrorText=x8i,
af|panelHeader::error=x67, af|column::cell-icon-format=x6z,
p_OraSelected=x91, AFHeaderLevelTwo=x63,
af|selectManyCheckbox::content=x1x, af|column::total-text=x7d,
af|train::overflow-end=, af|treeTable::control-bar-bottom=x6p,
af|panelBox::start=x4u, af|panelPage::privacy=x5b,
p_OraDisplayBlock=xb6, af|navigationPane::tabs-end=x47,
OraLinkDisabled=xj, PortletHeaderColor=xb9, portlet-font=xbo,
OraInlineErrorText=x8l, af|panelTabbed::separator=xd3,
OraNav3Selected=xa6, af|inputNumberSpinbox=x1d,
af|inputDate::header=x98, af|inputNumberSpinbox::label=xt,
AFFieldText=x6, af|inputListOfValues::label=xz,
OraTableBorder1111=xat, OraLinkText=x8n, OraTableBorder1110=xas,
af|selectManyCheckbox=x1h, af|chooseDate::content=x9d,
af|panelTabbed::orientation-top=xa9, OraTableBorder1011=xap,
af|column::cell-text-band=x6w, OraTableBorder1010=xao,
AFPostalCodeFieldText=x8u, p_OraDisabled=x90,
af|navigationPane::tabs=x3y, af|messages=x6a,
af|outputDocument::title=xn, headerPanelHeaderBox=xcy,
AFFieldNumberDisabled=x9, OraHGridLocatorHeader=x9n,
af|inputDate::required-icon-style=x2j, af|treeTable::locator=x5u,
af|panelTabbed::separator-after-selected=xd5, AFWarningIconStyle=xe,
af|inputChoice::required-icon-style=x2e, OraTableBorder1101=xar,
OraTableBorder1100=xaq, helpButton=xcr,
af|panelFormLayout::label-cell=x4j, af|treeTable::focus=x5t,
af|selectBooleanRadio::label=xw, OraStyledList=xa8,
p_OraColorPalette=x94, OraTableBorder1000=xam, OraTableBorder1001=xan,
AFFieldTextDisabled=x7, af|outputDocument::paragraph=xo,
af|showOnePanel::header-expanded=x5x, af|menuTabs::selected=x6h,
af|inputNumberSpinbox::group-icon-style=x2r, af|inputDate::nav=x96,
af|menuChoice::label=x33, af|menuTabs::enabled=x6g,
AFPostalCodeFieldTextDisabled=x8v, portlet-form-field-label=xcb,
af|statusIndicator=, af|treeTable::expansion=x5s,
af|panelTabbed::tab-selected=xac, af|panelBox::top=x4s,
af|selectOneListbox=x1k, af|panelBox::bottom-start=x4w,
portlet-section-footer=xbx, af|selectBooleanCheckbox=x1f,
af|train::parent-end-icon-cell=x7v, p_OraHeaderNest=x9m,
af|train::link=x7x, portlet-form-field=xcc,
af|showOnePanel::header-disabled=x5y, af|navigationPane::tabs-mid=x45,
af|column::sortable-header-text=x7e, af|selectBooleanRadio=x1g,
af|inputDate::selected=x99, af|singleStepButtonBar=,
p_OraQuickSearchBox=x9y, af|panelBox::body=x4z,
OraNavBarActiveLink=x9v, PortletSubHeaderColor=xbh,
af|selectOneChoice::required-icon-style=x2m, portlet-icon-label=xc9,
af|navigationPane::tabs-bottom-start=x48, OraNavBarViewOnly=x9x,
portlet-section-text=xby, af|inputListOfValues=x1c,
af|selectBooleanCheckbox::required-icon-style=x2h, af|goButton=x6t,
buttonLink=xdh, AFSortableHeaderSortIcon=x6e,
af|navigationPane::bar-inactive-disabled=x3f, OraBGAccentLight=x8c,
p_OraHideSkipNaviText=xb7, AFFieldTextMarker=x27, af|inputColor=x19,
p_OraOnePixelLine=xb5, af|messages::list-single=x9s,
OraTextInline=x8h, af|selectOneListbox::required-icon-style=x2n,
af|panelBox::top-start=x4r, af|selectManyShuttle::box-content=x54,
OraLink=xi, af|selectOneChoice::label=x12,
af|train::join-overflow=x7z, af|train::join=x7y,
AFAddressFieldText=x8w, af|menuTabs::separator=x6j, contentRow=xcz,
OraTable=xaw, af|navigationPane::buttons-inactive-disabled=x3l,
AFPhoneFieldTextMarker=x2a, af|showOnePanel::content=x5z,
OraTableBorder0011=xah, portlet-table-footer=xc4,
af|train::overflow-end-icon-cell=x7p, OraTableBorder0010=xag,
dataTable=xck, portlet-font-dim=xbp, contentColumn=xcw,
headerPanelContentBox=xd0, af|panelTabbed::tab-end=xd7,
af|panelFormLayout::cell=x4i, OraTableCellSelect=xax,
portlet-table-subheader=xc3, messagesLevelError=xco,
af|menuButtons::text-disabled=x5n, af|chooseDate::nav=x9a,
p_OraColorFieldSwatch=x93, af|panelAccordion::header-expanded=xdc,
OraTableBorder0001=xaf, OraNavBarInactiveLink=x9w,
af|selectOneChoice::content=x1z, af|selectOneRadio::content=x21,
portlet-form-label=xc6, disabledMainMenuItem=xcl,
AFFieldTextLTRDisabled=x8r, af|inputDate::group-icon-style=x2v,
af|outputDocument=xm, portlet-section-subheader=xbw, af|inputText=x1e,
OraBGColorDark=x82, af|panelTip::content=,
af|selectManyCheckbox::item-text=, af|table::sub-control-bar=x6q,
af|panelPopup::title-bar=x5g, p_OraTreeNodeAdjust=xb1,
OraTableTotal=x7b, af|panelPage::copyright=x5a,
af|panelPopup::title-text=x5h, AFFieldNumber=x8, AFInstructionText=x0,
af|inputChoice::content-input=x1o, af|menuPath::selected-step=x39,
af|train::overflow-start-icon-cell=x7m, messagesLevelFatal=xcp,
portlet-form-input-field=xc7, AFFieldTextLTR=x8q,
af|train::stop-content=x7k, portlet-table-alternate=xc1,
af|inputNumberSpinbox::content=x1q, helpSearchResults=xcs,
af|panelList=x3a, af|selectOneChoice::group-icon-style=x2y,
af|menuTabs::disabled=x6i, af|panelTabbed::orientation-bottom=xaa,
af|menuBar::separator=x5r, messagesLevelInfo=xcm, AFLabelText=xa,
af|train::parent-start-icon-cell=x7s, helpPanel=xcu,
af|tableSelectMany::cell-icon-format=x71, af|column::total-number=x7c,
af|train::stop-icon-cell=x7j, AFLinkAccessKeyStyle=x8z,
OraTableCellSelectBand=xay, p_OraContentFooterChildren=x9i,
OraBGGrayVeryDark=x85, AFErrorText=x8j, AFErrorIconStyle=xc,
AFAddressFieldTextMarker=x2c, p_OraHiddenLabel=x92,
af|train::overflow-end-content=x7q, af|panelTabbed::cell-end=xae,
af|panelLabelAndMessage::label=x15, OraBGAccentMedium=x8b,
p_OraProductBrandingText=xa1, OraTableTitle=xav, af|inputChoice=x1m,
af|inputColor::label=xx, af|column::cell-icon-format-band=x72,
af|navigationPane::buttons-content=x3n, OraTableBorder0101=xaj,
OraTableBorder0100=xai, af|selectOneRadio::group-icon-style=x30,
OraBGGrayDark=x86, af|selectOneRadio::label=x14, AFHeaderText=xcj,
af|panelBox::top-end=x4t, af|menuBar=x5o,
af|column::cell-number-band=x6y, af|inputColor::content=x1u,
af|inputText::label=xu, portlet-form-button=xc8, af|panelTip=x16,
af|panelTabbed::cell-start=xad, AFRequiredIconStyle=xf,
af|panelBox::end=x4v, portlet-table-header=xbz,
OraShuttleLinkText=xa4, p_OraCont...

On 8/27/07, Scott O'Bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Your browser cache.  I must say that I've been trying this on the
> Trinidad 1.2 branch and I know it works there.  I havn't used 1.1 in a
> while so it's possible something might be broken..
> Scott
> Andrew Robinson wrote:
> > Stopped tomcat (version 6 btw), cleaned out the work directory
> > completely and the temp directory, ran an "mvn clean" on my project
> > and re-deployment my application, and am still getting the shortened
> > class names. I checked "/tmp" also and didn't see any files there. Is
> > there anywhere else I should be looking for such a cache?
> >
> > On 8/27/07, Scott O'Bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Andrew,
> >>
> >> Could it also be possible that your stylesheet is cached?  Try clearing
> >> you cache.  This works for me as well.
> >>
> >> Scott
> >>
> >> Simon Lessard wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hello Andrew,
> >>>
> >>> It works perfectly fine for me ... What container are you using? Is it
> >>> possible that's a very strange container that isn't greedy at all
> >>> about trimming white space and that you configured your web.xml the
> >>> following way?
> >>>
> >>> <context-param>
> >>>   <param-name>
> >>>     org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.DISABLE_CONTENT_COMPRESSION
> >>>   </param-name>
> >>>   <param-value>true</param-value>
> >>> </context-param>
> >>>
> >>> Also, can you check the parameter value from the ExternalContext to
> >>> see if it get configured correctly to true?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Regards,
> >>>
> >>> ~ Simon
> >>>
> >>> On 8/27/07, *Andrew Robinson* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>     yes, I also have the debug-output set to true in my
> >>>     trinidad-config.xml. But I am still getting the ".x6v" type of CSS
> >>>     styles with
> >>>     org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.DISABLE_CONTENT_COMPRESSION
> >>>     set to true in the web.xml
> >>>
> >>>     FYI, this is version 1.0.2 that I am using
> >>>
> >>>     On 8/27/07, Petr Kotek < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> >>>     > Hello Andrew,
> >>>     >
> >>>     > I am using also
> >>>     > <debug-output>true</debug-output>
> >>>     > in trinidad-config.xml
> >>>     >
> >>>     > But I am not sure if this is responsible to decrypt css style
> >>>     names ...
> >>>     >
> >>>     > Regards,
> >>>     > Peter
> >>>     >
> >>>     > Simon Lessard wrote:
> >>>     > > Hello Andrew,
> >>>     > >
> >>>     > > Disabling compression does just that... .af_inputText_content
> >>>     is very
> >>>     > > readable imho. the underscore after af is always coming from |
> >>>     while
> >>>     > > all other underscores were translated from ::, also you can always
> >>>     > > remove the dot if the generated selector starts with .af_. So,
> >>>     > > .af_inputText_content comes from af|inputText::content.
> >>>     > >
> >>>     > >
> >>>     > > Regards,
> >>>     > >
> >>>     > > ~ Simon
> >>>     > >
> >>>     > > On 8/26/07, *Andrew Robinson* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>     > > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
> >>>     > >
> >>>     > >     Disabling the style compression only seems to help a
> >>>     little bit. The
> >>>     > >     FileSystemStyleCache._getShortStyleClassMap still returns
> >>>     unreadable
> >>>     > >     styles. For example, one of the selectors firebug showed was:
> >>>     > >
> >>>     > >     .x6v, .portlet-section-selected, .xbv,
> >>>     .portlet-table-selected, .xc2 {
> >>>     > >
> >>>     > >     the .x* styles are really near impossible to know where
> >>>     they came
> >>>     > >     from.
> >>>     > >
> >>>     > >     Is there an easy way to get all styles to stay in a
> >>>     readable state?
> >>>     > >
> >>>     > >     Thanks,
> >>>     > >     Andrew
> >>>     > >
> >>>     > >     On 7/30/07, Jeanne Waldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>     > >     <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
> >>>     > >     > Another tip:
> >>>     > >     >
> >>>     > >     > Use Firebug. It allows you to view the css that is
> >>>     rendered on a
> >>>     > >     > component by default and then you can inhibit anything
> >>>     you want
> >>>     > >     in your
> >>>     > >     > skin using -tr-inhibit.
> >>>     > >     >
> >>>     > >     > Also, by default we compress the styleclass names to boost
> >>>     > >     performance.
> >>>     > >     > While creating your skin, you can disable this
> >>>     compression so
> >>>     > >     that you
> >>>     > >     > can see styleclass names that more closely resemble the css
> >>>     > >     selectors.
> >>>     > >     >
> >>>     > >     > To do this, add to your web.xml file:
> >>>     > >     >
> >>>     > >     > <context-param>
> >>>     > >
> >>>     >  
> >>> <param-name>org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.DISABLE_CONTENT_COMPRESSION
> >>>     </param-name>
> >>>     > >     >  <param-value>true</param-value>
> >>>     > >     > </context-param>
> >>>     > >     >
> >>>     > >     > And finally, looking at the xss files like Abhijit
> >>>     suggests will
> >>>     > >     help you as well.
> >>>     > >     >
> >>>     > >     > - Jeanne
> >>>     > >     >
> >>>     > >     >
> >>>     > >     > Abhijit Ghosh wrote:
> >>>     > >     > > Chris,
> >>>     > >     > >
> >>>     > >     > > On 7/28/07, *Chris Hane* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>     > >     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
> >>>     > >     > > <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>> wrote:
> >>>     > >     > >
> >>>     > >     > >
> >>>     > >     > >     We are trying to create our own custom skin for
> >>>     Trinidad and I
> >>>     > >     > >     have a basic
> >>>     > >     > >     question:
> >>>     > >     > >
> >>>     > >     > >     First, where do the defaults for a paticular
> >>>     element come
> >>>     > >     from?  For
> >>>     > >     > >     example, we are trying to skin
> >>>     > >     "af:column::header-text".  When we
> >>>     > >     > >     remove
> >>>     > >     > >     the color element, a default of #669966 is put
> >>>     into the
> >>>     > >     > >     transformed skin.
> >>>     > >     > >
> >>>     > >     > >
> >>>     > >     > > The defaults are defined in base-desktop.xss and
> >>>     > >     > > simple-desktop.xss.AFAIK your custom skin CSS is
> >>>     overlaid over the
> >>>     > >     > > styles defined in base-desktop.xss and
> >>>     simple-desktop.xss.If you
> >>>     > >     > > specify a style in your custom skin CSS it will
> >>>     override the
> >>>     > >     default
> >>>     > >     > > styles.The XSS files are actually XML files so you can
> >>>     read
> >>>     > >     them if
> >>>     > >     > > you want to find out the default values.
> >>>     > >     > >
> >>>     > >     > > Thanks,
> >>>     > >     > > Abhi
> >>>     > >     > >
> >>>     > >     > >     I found the skin selector documentation, is the
> >>>     another doc
> >>>     > >     > >     describing how
> >>>     > >     > >     skins works and their default values?  I have css
> >>>     people
> >>>     > >     working on
> >>>     > >     > >     defining the skin and they are having a slow time
> >>>     trying
> >>>     > >     to figure
> >>>     > >     > >     this out.
> >>>     > >     > >
> >>>     > >     > >     Second, the skin selector documentation states
> >>>     that it is not
> >>>     > >     > >     up-to-date.
> >>>     > >     > >     Where can I find updated info - source code only?
> >>>     > >     > >
> >>>     > >     > >     Thanks,
> >>>     > >     > >     Chris....
> >>>     > >     > >
> >>>     > >     > >
> >>>     > >     >
> >>>     > >
> >>>     > >
> >>>     >
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >
> >

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