
One specific functionality is to have sth. like

<a:outputPanel id="beschreibungInput">
<tr:inputText  maximumLength="30" value="#{klasseExtended.beschreibung}"
id="beschreibung" validator="#{klasseExtended.validateBeschreibung}" 
<a:support event="onblur" reRender="beschreibungInput"/>

which however leads to a problem in a4j (java.io.NotSerializableException: 

However, if you use

<a:outputPanel id="beschreibungInput">
<h:inputText  maxLength="30" value="#{klasseExtended.beschreibung}"
id="beschreibung" validator="#{klasseExtended.validateBeschreibung}">
<a:support event="onblur" reRender="beschreibungInput"/>

it works. I have also recently started with Trinidad and wonder how to 
achieve above functionality. Note that all this is surrounded by 
SEAM with <s:validateAll/>.


Scott O'Bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
30.08.2007 01:47
Bitte antworten an
"MyFaces Discussion" <users@myfaces.apache.org>

MyFaces Discussion <users@myfaces.apache.org>

Re: [Trinidad] trinidad 1.2.1 w/ ajax4jsf, richfaces and facelets 


Theoretically they should work together but some people have reported 
problems.  That said, I don't think a4j gives you anything that Trinidad 
doesn't give you out of the box.  Is there some piece of functionality 
you're looking for in a4j that Trinidad does not give you?


Thai Dang Vu wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I'd like to ask if it is possible to use trinidad 1.2.1 with richfaces
> 3.1.0 (which includes ajax4jsf) and facelets.
> This is my 1st day learning trinidad so I haven't got time to try
> different ways to configure the web.xml file to make trinidad and
> ajax4jsf work togeter.
> If you have an existing example using both richfaces 3.1.0 and trinidad,
> could I have a copy of all your configuration files (web.xml,
> faces-config.xml, trinidad-config.xml) and the name of all the jar files
> in WEB-INF/lib?
> Regards.
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