Fixed in 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT

On 9/4/07, Stephen Friedrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After reading the tag doc for panelLabelAndMessage I would have
> thought that in the following example the tr:message would not
> be needed.
> However if I omit the tr:message then on validation failure it
> fails silently without ever showing a message.
> (Trinidad 1.2.1)
> <tr:panelLabelAndMessage styleClass="inputLabel_10" label="#{Output.BRANCH}" 
> showRequired="true">
>          <tr:selectOneChoice id="employeeBranchId" 
> value="#{_employeeList.employeeBranchId}" required="true" unselectedLabel="" 
> simple="true">
>              <f:selectItems value="#{_employeeList.employeeBranchItems}"/>
>          </tr:selectOneChoice>
>          <tr:message for="employeeBranchId"/>
> </tr:panelLabelAndMessage>

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