Thanks for the info, Andrew!

Adam, will 1.2.2 contain this fix, too?
Or will you strictly only transfer fixes from 1.0._2_?

Depending on how many changes there were in between 1.0.2 and 1.0.3
maybe it would make sense to skip 1.0.2 and directly go to 1.2.3?

Well, "1.2.3" really makes for a nicer version number anyhow ;-

Also releases and corresponding downloads seem to be a little mixed
up currently: has latest news about 1.0._1_ and 1.2.1

If you follow the download link from that main page you'll find
core, tomahawk, tobago, but no trinidad.

If you first select trinidad project then go to downloads you'll
find only 1.0.2 even though the release notes available on the
trinidad project page talk about 1.0.3.

The trinidad download page has a link to nightly builds, but I haven't
found any when following that link.

Andrew Robinson wrote:
Fixed in 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT

On 9/4/07, Stephen Friedrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
After reading the tag doc for panelLabelAndMessage I would have
thought that in the following example the tr:message would not
be needed.

However if I omit the tr:message then on validation failure it
fails silently without ever showing a message.

(Trinidad 1.2.1)

<tr:panelLabelAndMessage styleClass="inputLabel_10" label="#{Output.BRANCH}" 
         <tr:selectOneChoice id="employeeBranchId" value="#{_employeeList.employeeBranchId}" 
required="true" unselectedLabel="" simple="true">
             <f:selectItems value="#{_employeeList.employeeBranchItems}"/>
         <tr:message for="employeeBranchId"/>

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