I made my simple test app work by stripping out all the JPA stuff I had, both in the code and the applicationContext.xml, and then using Spring to inject the DAO with a LocalSessionFactoryBean. Is that the right way to approach it? (Or is that a naive solution, with lurking problems?)
Just to be accurate, if you define a LocalSessionFactoryBean (where its super-class implements the FactoryBean interface) Spring in fact replaces it with the SessionFactory.

So.... if you use the HibernateDaoSupport or HibernateTemplate, you'll inject a SessionFactory - and that should be enough for Orchestra.

At least I've tried the same with Spring's JpaDaoSupport (without annotations) - it is pretty much the same as with hibernate then.

Right away I noticed that there's no SessionHolder in Spring's Hibernate 3 support. I see some things further down that may be a problem, too, but my understanding of the machinery is tenuous at best.
I've found a SessionHolder in my spring-2.0.6 jar: org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.SessionHolder
What version of Spring are you going to use?


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