
You seem to have much of the needed parts. However, that question can be
very project specific. For instance, portlet applications requires portal
server (that might or not come with your AS). If you have a lot of static
management, a content management system can be good for better scalability
and response time. If the application requires authentification, LDAP can
help, etc.


~ Simon

On 9/17/07, distillingweb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry for the "advance query" reminder. I have been developing enterprise
> web applications quite some time now (around
> 8 years). Because we have so many components coming up every month -- or
> less than that --, I wondering if I have lost
> important consideration aside of choose:
> * JSFs components + Facelets
> * Middle tier and  persistence framerworks
> * Application Server
> * Web application
> * IDE
> We have all the above already selected, and also tools like subversion,
> tortoise, maven, and so on working in our development
> set. However, do you thing that I am missing something important?
> Thank you very much in advance.
> ------------------------------
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