
Thank you again. We are using:

Exadel - even though JDev is also a good option when using JSF, but I have to 
admit that I do not like its approach and 
              Eclipse I feel much more comfortable and productive.

Tomcat I have used even in production, but also Oracle iAS which is very good 
and reliable. Of course, JBoss is on the list. 

The other environment we have is pretty much like yours. It is not a database 
list, but I prefer PL/SQL Developer for the daily work
instead Toad, in spite the latter has additional DBA features.

Thanks a lot. 

----- Original Message ----
From: Simon Lessard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: MyFaces Discussion <>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 6:17:12 PM
Subject: Re: What has to be considered in the web development environment 
(advaced query)?

Depends on the project. The current project I'm on does not requires 
authentication, so my environment looks just like what you said, more 
specifically, I currently use:


JDeveloper 11g Technical preview for our dev version
JDeveloper 10.1.3 the maintenance version

Tortoise + JDeveloper (I highly prefer Tortoise though)

Firefox with Firebug and Tamperdata (a must, losing Firebug represents a huge 
drop in productivity when dealing with new components and styling. JavaScript 
debugger is not bad either. Tamper is a bit more advanced and rarely needed, 
but when you want to see what goes in and out of the browser it's really nice. 
Ethereal works as well, but that's a huge overkill for that kind of simple use)

MS IE 7 (mandatory because of end users since the application has to work on it)

AS / Container
Embedded OC4J in JDeveloper;
Oracle AS 10g for graduation in various environments (development, integration, 
acceptation, production, etc.). We have remote access to those for deployments, 
except production obviously;

Tomcat (I rarely use it, but for simple applications it's faster/easier to 
deploy on Tomcat than standalone OC4J imho)

Oracle, located on remote server, having a local one is also an option though.

Utility applications
UltraEdit - For text editing, I think it worth every penny, as it's way faster 
than all IDE with big files (such as XML, there's no auto complete though);

Toad - If you requires a lot of SQL script execution. Using SQL*Plus in 
combination with JDeveloper isn't bad, and certainly cheaper;
GIMP 2 - For image editing since I'm not a in charge of making the final 
images, your page designer will probably need Photoshop though;

MyEclipse - To look/edit Trinidad/MyFaces code, Eclipse works fine too;
Maven - See above;
Acrobat reader - Well I guess you already had that one, but it's needed to read 
the spec;
7-zip - Screw WinZip, 7-Zip is open source, reads more formats and makes 
smaller archives.

Don't have content management server in my current project, it's not a portlet 
project either, nor LDAP. That being said, you can indeed access LDAP with many 
frameworks, but the LDAP directory itself must run somewhere if you want to use 


~ Simon

On 9/17/07, distillingweb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
Hello Simon,

Thank you so much for your prompt reply. Would you mind to share how your 
environment looks like?

My understand is that for LDAP, for example, I could get from my middle tier 
feature framework (Spring in our case). Content

managment system is also a good option. 

Thanks a lot for now.

----- Original Message ----

From: Simon Lessard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: MyFaces Discussion <>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 5:21:09 PM
Subject: Re: What has to be considered in the web development environment 
(advaced query)?


You seem
 to have much of the needed parts. However, that question can be very project 
specific. For instance, portlet applications requires portal server (that might 
or not come with your AS). If you have a lot of static management, a content 
management system can be good for better scalability and response time. If the 
application requires authentification, LDAP can help, etc.


~ Simon

On 9/17/07, distillingweb <

Sorry for the "advance query" reminder. I have been developing enterprise web 
applications quite some time now (around
8 years). Because we have so many components coming up every month -- or less 
than that --, I wondering if I have lost

important consideration aside of choose:

* JSFs components + Facelets
* Middle tier and  persistence framerworks
* Application Server
* Web application
* IDE 

We have all the above already selected, and also tools like subversion, 
tortoise, maven, and so on working in our development

set. However, do you thing that I am missing something important?

Thank you very much in advance.

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