Who is interested in this issue..
The problem is, that the whole tree is processed... and so the request will fail because the inputText will be validated and 5 chars are required..
I had to wrap the input I process with support - to region!!
The answer comes from jobss-ajax4jsf-forum...

NABA schrieb:
Hi All...
My environment:
MyFaces 1.1.5
Tomahawk 1.1.6
ajax4jsf 1.1.1
jboss Aplication Server 4.0.5
IDE: netbeans 5.x
I try to develop a small application to learn more about jsf and ajax4jsf.
I faced an unexplainable problem.
When I use AJAX4JSF and in the same JSP <f:validateLength maximum="250" minimum="5" />, AJAX4JSF dosen't work. It works when I use <f:validateLength maximum="250" /> (without minimum attribute).
Heer my JSP snippet:
    /<h:inputText value="#{user.textxyt}" >
             <a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="rep"/>
    <h:outputText value="#{user.textxyt}" id="rep"/>

    <h:outputLabel id="labelBez" for="Label" value="Label" />
<t:inputText id="Bezeichnungs" value="#{beanProc.name}" readonly="#{!beanProc.beditable}" styleClass="textbox">
        <f:validateLength maximum="250" />
I can't understand what is the problem heer?
If anyone understand what the problem could be, please for a statment!
naba :-)

PS: there is not any server-output like error or warns!!

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