Fair enough. Thanks for staying with me.  PPR on or off does not make any 

Here's an extract of my JSF/facelets page:


<tr:table id="shopTimeDetails" var="details" value="#{shopTimeDetailsHome.shopTimeDetails}" 
    <tr:column headerText="Delete">
        <tr:commandLink id="deleteLink" action="#{shopTimeDetailsHome.remove}" 
immediate="true" rendered="#{!details.isPlaceholder}">
            <f:param name="detailsRowIndex" value="#{details.rowIndex}"/>
            <img src="images/delete.gif"/>

    <tr:column headerText="Engine Type">
<tr:selectOneChoice id="engineType" value="#{details.engineType}" required="true" autoSubmit="true" immediate="true" valueChangeListener="#{shopTimeDetailsHome.handleEngineTypeChanged}">
            <s:selectItems value="#{engineTypesQuery.resultList}" var="engineType" 

    <tr:column headerText="3LC">
        <tr:inputText id="threelc" value="#{details.threelc}" required="true" 
maximumLength="3" rendered="#{!details.isPlaceholder}">
            <tr:validateLength maximum="3"/>


And here's an extract of the bean that should handle removing/adding rows 
(property accesors excluded).
The correct row gets removed from the model (from the "shopTimeDetails" list), 
but if row index 1 is
deleted, then the new values from the old index 2 never make it to the page.
I think that's more or less logical: The immediate delete command link causes a 
"short-circuit" of the
remaining phases and the processing of the non-immediate components never takes 
But it sure must be possible somehow to access the stamped components and 
update them.
Or maybe (hopefully) there's a cleaner/better way to implement this style of UI.

Note my pitiful attempt to copy values manually (now commented out).


public class ShopTimeDetailsHome {
    private List<ShopTimeDetails> shopTimeDetails;

    private transient CoreTable table;

    public void remove() {
        String indexText = FacesUtil.getRequestParameter("detailsRowIndex");
        try {
            int rowIndex = Integer.parseInt(indexText);
//            handleRowRemove(rowIndex);
        catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            errorLog.error("Expected row index to delete, but got: " + 
indexText, e);

    private void handleRowRemove(int i) {
        Object oldRowKey = table.getRowKey();// backup current model state

        try {
            int rowCount = table.getRowCount();
            int columnCount = table.getChildCount();
            for (int rowIndex = i; rowIndex < rowCount - 1; ++rowIndex) {
                for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; 
++columnIndex) {
                    copyCell(rowIndex + 1, columnIndex, rowIndex, columnIndex);
        finally {
            table.setRowKey(oldRowKey);// restore model state

    private void copyCell(int fromRowIndex, int fromColumnIndex, int 
toRowIndex, int toColumnIndex) {
        List fromColumns = table.getChildren();
        UIComponent column = (UIComponent) fromColumns.get(fromColumnIndex);
        UIComponent fromCell = (UIComponent) column.getChildren().get(0);
        if (fromCell instanceof EditableValueHolder) {
            EditableValueHolder holder = (EditableValueHolder) fromCell;
            Object value = holder.isLocalValueSet() ? holder.getLocalValue() : 

            List toColumns = table.getChildren();
            UIComponent toColumn = (UIComponent) toColumns.get(toColumnIndex);
            EditableValueHolder toCell = (EditableValueHolder) 


    private void updateTransientDetailsProperties() {
        for (int i = 0; i < shopTimeDetails.size(); i++) {
            ShopTimeDetails details = shopTimeDetails.get(i);
            boolean isPlaceholder = i == shopTimeDetails.size() - 1;

Gerhard Petracek wrote:

at the moment it is difficult to see what you already tried and which painful way of trying different possibilities you already walked along...

first of all - there is a bug at sortable and filterable tables - i already opened an issue... some details: this bug only occurs if you have a changing model within a sortable table - i guess that's not your case!?

2 further questions:
- have you already tried to use component binding?
- did you already give ppr a chance or did you just deactivated it? - generally ppr should work very well

if nothing of both would solve your problem - i don't have further spontaneous ideas without knowing more details about your implementation... is it possible for you to provide some source code of your implementation or an equivalent example?


2007/11/13, Stephen Friedrich < [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:

    Thanks for the answer.
    I am not at all using PPR at the moment. Just to be sure that my
    problem is not
    caused in any way by PPR, I switched it off using this snippet at
    the top of my page:
    <script type="text/javascript" xml:space="preserve">
    // <![CDATA[
        _pprUnsupported = true;
    // ]]>

    If I understand the problem correctly, the immediate flag causes all
    other components
    on the page to stay "unprocessed".
    So the html component with the generated id
    "shopTimeDetails:1:threelc" just keeps its
    value, even though at row index 1 there now is a different model value.

    I just don't have any idea how to make this scenario work.

    Gerhard Petracek wrote:
     > hello,
     > how do you trigger ppr (the update) at the moment?
     > there are several ways to trigger ppr - to answer your question
     > concerning programmatically updating components maybe the
    following link
     > will help you:
     > regards,
     > gerhard
     > 2007/11/12, Stephen Friedrich < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>:
     >     I am desperately trying to get a specific table UI to work - see
     >     screenshot.
     >     In short I have a list-backed table model.
     >     When displayed there's a delete button in front of row.
     >     The first column is a selectOneChoice.
     >     There's always one more row at the bottom than there are
    "real" values.
     >     If the user selects a value from the dropdown, then another
    row is
     >     added.
     >     Here's the catch:
     >     Of course, neither the delete link nor the dropdown should
     >     validation,
     >     so I have set immediate="true" on them.
     >     Unfortunately now the components on the page do not update
     >     correctly, for example
     >     if I delete the second row (see screenshot) the page does indeed
     >     display one row
     >     less, but the second row still displays the same data.
     >     What the heck can I do to programmatically update the
     >     of the model?
     > --
     > http://www.irian.at
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     > JSF Consulting, Development and
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