On Thu, 2007-12-06 at 11:38 -0500, Carlos Adolfo Ortiz Quiros wrote:
> Quite interesting.
> In which position is Tomahawk library with JSF versions?

The company I work for has several applications in production right now
with Myfaces1.2 + tomahawk.

> Why do you mention
>   JSF1.2+facelets
> and
>   JSF1.2+JSP+tomahawk+tiles2
> What is the point here?

Facelets has two major features:

It solves the JSF1.1+JSP problem that on first view of a page each
component is rendered immediately after it is created. This causes all
sorts of problems because a component cannot refer to another one later
in the page. Instead, facelets first builds all the components in the
page then performs a second pass to render them. However JSF1.2+JSP also
does the two-pass approach (inspired by facelets I believe).

It provides a clever "composition" mechanism to allow a page to be built
out of pieces (eg a header section, a "main" section and a footer
section). JSF1.1 has no equivalent; the only option is jsp:include, but
that is really very primitive. Facelet's composition feature was heavily
influenced by the Tiles library (part of Apache Struts). In the past it
was not easy to get JSF and Tiles to work together. But now the Tiles
library is independent of Struts (tiles2) and support has just been
added to Tomahawk trunk to allow tiles2 to work with JSF.

So although Facelets is still a very good library, the two main features
can now also be achieved without moving away from JSP (or will be once
the next Tomahawk release is out, which is hopefully soon).

Facelets does have some other cool features, but on the other hand JSP
is more familiar to many developers, and IDE support for JSP taglibs is
currently better than Facelets support.

On a related note, the JBoss plugins for Eclipse now provide
autocomplete etc for Facelets pages..thanks JBoss!



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