Not sure, but I think we had a similar problem and apart from changing the
mapping, we had to include


in web.xml.


On Jan 29, 2008 8:22 AM, Wolf Benz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Matthias, the JIRA enry is 
> MYFACES-1794<>
> *-Wolf*
> *
> *On 28 Jan 2008, at 21:25, Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
> /faces/* as servlet mapping.
> not yet fixed in MyFaces.
> Is there an issue for that already in our jira ?
> On Jan 28, 2008 8:50 PM, Wolf Benz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi List,
> I'm using MF 1.2.2 + Trinidad 1.2.5 and Facelets.
> And still getting this "The requested resource (/tutoring/__ADFv__.jsp) is
> not available" (see conversation below) message when using tr:inputDate
> Is there a way to remedy from this bug until it has been corrected in
> the(MF
> core) distributions?
> & I thought it was planned to be corrected in MF Core 1.2.1, what happened
> to that version? :-)
> --Wolf
> On 23 Sep 2007, at 15:40, Gregg Leichtman wrote:
> I'm getting a 404 error as follows:
> HTTP Status 404 - /tutoring/__ADFv__.jsp
> ________________________________
> type Status report
> message /tutoring/__ADFv__.jsp
> description The requested resource (/tutoring/__ADFv__.jsp) is not
> available.
> ________________________________
> Apache Tomcat/6.0.13
> whenever I try to select the popup of an inputColor or inputDate component
> _without_ a supporting chooseColor or chooseDate component respectively.
> If
> I use a supporting chooseColor or chooseDate component all is well. I
> found
> the following forum conversation below from the 12th of this month and it
> might apply, but unlike Mr. Bertrand, I have no evidence that the
> __ADFv__.jsp file has been generated. I did a "find" from the top of my
> deployed Tomcat 6.0.13 distribution and there just doesn't seem to be any
> such jsp or class file anywhere. In fact there is no file whose name
> contains "ADF".  The components themselves do render, just the popups
> fail.
> I have not tried to change the faces mapping as described below, since the
> resource doesn't seem to be generated and there would be nothing to link
> to.
> I'm using the following:
> INFO: Initializing Sun's JavaServer Faces implementation (1.2_04-b16-p02)
> for context '/tutoring'
> Trinidad 1.2.1
> Tiles 2.0.4
> Shale snapshot 1.1.0 from 20070717
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> uname -a
> Linux aragorn #1 Mon Jul 17 09:21:59 UTC 2006 i686
> i686 i386 GNU/Linux
> Here is a snippet of the jsp file:
> ...
> <tr:panelGroupLayout layout="horizontal">
>     <tr:inputColor shortDesc="Set color of new message."
>                 columns="6" value="#{list.newMessageColor}">
>         <f:facet name="help">
>                   <tr:outputText value="(#RRGGBB) or (r,g,b)"/>
>             </f:facet>
>     </tr:inputColor>
>     <tr:inputDate id="insertDate" columns="8" maximumLength="8"
>             shortDesc="Insert a date into a new message at the cursor."/>
> </tr:panelGroupLayout>
> ...
> Any help would be appreciated.
>                                                                -=> Gregg
> <=-
> Yeah, that sounds like the issue. Older versions of the RI,as well as
> MyFaces 1.2 don't support *.faces mappings well
> enough for this scenario (I haven't looked into why).
> -- Adam
> On 9/12/07, Matthias Wessendorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is it possible, that you are
> using myfaces 1.2 ?
> and *.faces mapping ?
> try, /faces/* as your mapping
> On 9/12/07, Bertrand, Shawn R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the clarification.
> Unfortunately, it isn't working in Trinidad as it did in ADF Faces.
> FredJSP.getRedirectURL generates a baseURL of
> "/nas/__ADFv__.faces?_afPfm=497604ee&_t=fred" and arguments
> of {"_vir", "/jsp/SnmpSsMacDetail.jsp", "loc", "en-US", "_minWidth",
> "_minHeight",}. The second argument is correct and that resource is
> definitely present in the deployed application.
> The separate browser window does appear as it used to but it contains an
> HTTP 404 error with the description "The requested resource
> (/__ADFv__.jsp)
> is not available.".
> Thanks again,
> Shawn Bertrand
> Tyco Electronics Corporation
> ________________________________
> From: Adam Winer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 4:32 PM
> To: MyFaces Discussion
> Subject: Re: Dialog issue during ADF->Trinidad migration
> There's two separate flags here:
> - useWindow
> - usePopup
> If useWindow is false, that means we navigate the whole page
> to the dialog. Simple enough.
> If useWindow is true, then we look at usePopup: if it's false,
> we want to show the dialog in a new browser window.
> We use FredJSP so that we have a frameset around the
> dialog view, needed to make sure that context is not lost
> when you navigate within the dialog.
> If usePopup is true, we use a DHTML dialog. We don't
> need FredJSP, since we're putting the dialog in an iframe,
> and can directly navigate to the page.
> Does this make sense?
> What you're describing - " uses the URL returned from FredJSP.
> getRedirectURL" - is intentional (and was the way things
> worked back in ADF, FWIW). What should be happening next
> is that a frameset gets generated where the frame's source
> is the URL of the desired page - so your dialog does show up.
> Is that not working?
> -- Adam
> On 9/11/07, Bertrand, Shawn R <
> (Trinidad 1.0.2 – build from July – the current one).
> I've migrated our application to use Trinidad, and see some PPR issues
> that
> are likely ours, but for the most part everything is working as
> expected.
> Except….
> We use the dialog framework extensively, and every time we attempt to
> display one a popup appears but uses the URL returned from
> FredJSP.getRedirectURL. This happens because the code in CoreRenderKit,
> when constructing a DialogRequest object, calls usePopupForDialog to
> determine if the popup is supported. Why wouldn't the passed-in
> usePopup
> setting be used? Fortunately for me (at least for now), I added the
> "org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.USE_DIALOG_POPUP"
> context parameter to my web.xml and popups are now appearing (though
> they
> appear in a dhtml-looking layer instead of the traditional popup dialog
> (probably a good thing).
> Note: the Trinidad demo doesn't seem to need this context parameter to
> display dialogs.
> Thanks in advance,
> Shawn Bertrand
> Tyco Electronics Corporation
> --
> Matthias Wessendorf
> further stuff:
> blog:
> mail: matzew-at-apache-dot-org
> --
> Matthias Wessendorf
> further stuff:
> blog:
> sessions:
> mail: matzew-at-apache-dot-org

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