
> currently we're prototyping a portlet application (liferay 4.33)  with
> orchestra , JPA (Hibernate) and myFaces 1.1.5.
Unhappily I have zero experience with portlets. If you could provide a
simple webapp to test this thing it would greatly help, though, I know
how much work it is to setup one.
However, if possible somehow, please try the latest snapshot of
Orchestra as we've changed how the FrameworkAdapter will be initialized.
At least it gives us correct line numbers in the exception.

The FrameworkAdapter brings me to the thing which might be needed to be
fixed for the portlet environment, not sure though.

If you have a look at the source of this class you'll see that there are
just a handful of methods which needs to be implement, probably in a
portlet friendly way.

Could you please check if you have access to a FacesContext close before
the method raising an exception?

If so, you can stick with the JsfFrameworkAdapter and just need to find
a way how to initialize it properly. If not, you have to create your own
portlet friendly FrameworkAdapter wich allows you to get access to the
session/request stuff required by Orchestra.


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