
I'm a complete noob to trinidad and myfaces, so please excuse any obvious or 
stupid questions.
At least I've searched yahoo, google and read through nabble, so hopefully my 
asking is not too
dumb :)

I'm currently writing a sample for a standard business application which also 
contains a menu
based on XMLMenuModel plus navigation with tr:breadCrumb at the top of the page 
tr:navigationTree at the left side.

The menu structure looks like the following:

+-- customer
|   +-- search customers
|   +-- browse customers
|   +-- view customer
|   +-- edit customer
+-- reporting
|   +-- generate report
|   +-- browse report
+-- admin
    +-- employee admin
    |   +-- search employee
    |   +-- view employee
    |   +-- edit employee
    |   +-- modify authorisation
    +-- repository admin
        +-- view repositories
        +-- edit repository

So basically i use a menu entry for every distinct jspx page, to get the proper 
message shown in
the breadCrumbs. On the other hand, with this method I currently also get the 
leafs shown in the
navigationTree which i don't like to have. I have tried rendered=false (then 
also the breadCrumbs
and the viewPath is gone), visible=false (still the space of the facet is 
filled up with  )
etc, but nothing worked for me.

Now my questions:
1.) As it is purely an evaluation sample, I'm not hardly fixed to exactly this 
look and feel, so
how do u usually solve such problems? Do you also add the leafs to the 
menuModel, or do you add
this information to the breadCrumb manually and calculate the viewPath for the 

2.) Is there any public example how i can extend tr:navigationTree to 
understand a menuModel
attribute "category" (so navigationTree only considers menuItems, menuGroups, 
etc of this given
category (or even better categories).

3.) Is there currently any 'authorisation concept' available in trinidad? Like 
to e.g. set roles
which are needed to get a single menuItem displayed, etc. In my example above, 
I like the 'admin'
menu only be visible to users with the currentRole 'admin', etc.

I've read through 
and others, but found no hint.

txs in advance,

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