Hi Raj,

your code looks ok to me.

I suppose you're using Tobago 1.0.12 or later?
Have you tried it without mode="menu"?
When you look at the generated HTML you should see a line like this:

+ "  var mainpage_nav_treeNodeCommand = 
\"Tobago.reloadComponent('mainpage:rightPanel',this.id, {});\";"

What exactly happens when you click on a node? Just nothing?


P.S. Please send requests like this to the mailing list. Maybe there're other 
users who can help you or have a
similar problem.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Raj .G. Narasimhan 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 5:37 AM
  Subject: [Tobago] renderedPartially doesn't work in treeNodeCommand

  Hi Bernd and Helmut:

  I am writing to both of you, as this was the issue raised during mid of '07 
on the subject issue. I'm experiencing the same issue, in the partial reloading 
as Helmut had experienced.  I'm trying to reload the detail page on click of 
the tree node(s).  I have a tree of around 300 nodes (Objects with 4-5 string 
properties).  I don't know, where and what I'm missing and I have been trying 
to fix this since two days... Appreciate your help!

  Here's the code, that I'm trying:

  <tc:tree value="#{mainTree.rootNode}" mode="menu" id="nav"
              nameReference="userObject.label" idReference="userObject.id"
              tipReference="userObject.label" state="#{mainTree.state}"
              showIcons="false" showJunctions="true" showRoot="false">
              <f:facet name="treeNodeCommand">
                  <tc:command action="#{mainTree.showInDetail}">
                      <tc:attribute value=":mainpage:rightPanel" 
name="renderedPartially" />

  Here's the portion of main page (where this detail page will have to be 

  <f:view locale="#{configController.locale}">
      <tc:loadBundle basename="cb_bundle" var="rsrcBundle" />
      <tc:page applicationIcon="icon/Vzicon.ico"
          label="#{rsrcBundle.pageTitle}" id="mainpage" width="900px" 


      <tc:cell spanX="2">
              <tc:panel id="middleBox">
                  <f:facet name="layout">
                      <tc:gridLayout rows="fixed;fixed;*" columns="*;2*"
                          id="boxToolbarLayout" />

                  <tc:cell spanX="2">
                      <tc:panel id="treeAndRightPanel">

                          <f:facet name="layout">
                              <tc:gridLayout border="1" rows="*" columns="*;2*" 
page="/WEB-INF/cdbmain/navigation.jsp" />
                              <%-- <tc:panel id="leftPanel">
                                  <f:facet name="layout">
                                      <tc:gridLayout rows="*" columns="*" />


                              <tc:panel id="rightPanel">
                                  <f:facet name="layout">
                                      <tc:gridLayout rows="*" columns="*" />
                                  <jsp:doBody />



  Raj .G. Narasimhan 

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