
actions called by ajax (renderedPartially) must not return an outcome (except 
you really want to
navigate to another page).


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Raj .G. Narasimhan 
  To: MyFaces Discussion 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 4:56 PM
  Subject: Re: [Tobago] renderedPartially doesn't work in treeNodeCommand

  Helmut, it does return "customer/custTabpane", which is the valid outcome to 
be returned....and in fact, it loads the detail page also.  Only issue, is the 
tree is getting reloaded,  (Moreover, this issue is more pronounce because the 
tree's taking atleast 5-6 seconds to re-load ).  The detail page loads pretty 
quickly...compares to tree(and there's no need for the load to be reloaded)


  On Feb 13, 2008 10:40 AM, Helmut Swaczinna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


    just one idea: Does the action mainTree.showInDetail returns an outcome != 
null ?
    If so the whole page gets reloaded.


      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Raj .G. Narasimhan 
      To: users@myfaces.apache.org 
      Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 4:30 PM
      Subject: [Tobago] renderedPartially doesn't work in treeNodeCommand

      I'm having problem with partial reloading while invoking 
'treeNodeCommand'.  I am using Tobago 1.0.14 on Tomcat 6.

      On clicking the node link, the detail page including the tree gets 
reloaded, even though the <tc:command>'s 'renderedPartially' value is set to 
body of the page(showing the detailed node info). This issue was raised and 
resolved during mid of '07(fixed in Tobago 1.0.12). This tree holds around 300 
nodes (user Objects with 4-5 string properties).  I have tried without 
mode="menu" as suggested by Helmut. Still the problem exists. I don't know, 
where and what I'm missing and I have been trying to fix this since two days...

      Here's the code, that I'm trying:

      <tc:tree value="#{mainTree.rootNode}" mode="menu" id="nav"
                  nameReference="userObject.label" idReference="userObject.id"
                  tipReference="userObject.label" state="#{mainTree.state}"
                  showIcons="false" showJunctions="true" showRoot="false">
                  <f:facet name="treeNodeCommand">
                      <tc:command action="#{mainTree.showInDetail}">
                          <tc:attribute value=":mainpage:rightPanel" 
name="renderedPartially" />

      Here's the portion of main page (where this detail page will have to be 

      <f:view locale="#{configController.locale}">
          <tc:loadBundle basename="cb_bundle" var="rsrcBundle" />
          <tc:page applicationIcon="icon/Vzicon.ico"
              label="#{rsrcBundle.pageTitle}" id="mainpage" width="900px" 


          <tc:cell spanX="2">
                  <tc:panel id="middleBox">
                      <f:facet name="layout">
                          <tc:gridLayout rows="fixed;fixed;*" columns="*;2*"
                              id="boxToolbarLayout" />

                      <tc:cell spanX="2">
                          <tc:panel id="treeAndRightPanel">

                              <f:facet name="layout">
                                  <tc:gridLayout border="1" rows="*" 
columns="*;2*" />
page="/WEB-INF/cdbmain/navigation.jsp" />
                                  <%-- <tc:panel id="leftPanel">
                                      <f:facet name="layout">
                                          <tc:gridLayout rows="*" columns="*" />


                                  <tc:panel id="rightPanel">
                                      <f:facet name="layout">
                                          <tc:gridLayout rows="*" columns="*" />
                                      <jsp:doBody />


      And in the generated html source, I could see the following:

      var mainpage_navigator_nav_treeNodeCommand = 
\"Tobago.reloadComponent('mainpage:rightPanel',this.id, {});

      Appreciate your help!

      Raj .G. Narasimhan 


  Raj .G. Narasimhan 

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