just a little improvement: It is not necessary to set a tableId via <c:set/>. 
Your JS Function will also work if you set the parameter as follows:
mySelectRow(this.id, #{status.count});

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        Gesendet: Donnerstag, 29. Mai 2008 15:23
        An: MyFaces Discussion
        Cc: MyFaces Discussion
        Betreff: Re: [Trinidad] Selecting a row in tr:table by clicking on the 

        Hi all, 
        Yesterday I posted a couple of questions on how to change the tr:table 
so that a row can be selected by clicking on the row instead of the radio 
buttons/checkboxes that are used by default. I figured a couple of things out 
myself. I'll try to explain what I've accomplished so far: 

        *       I've been focussing on single selection only for now. 
        *       It's easy to hide the column with radio buttons, since the TH 
and TD's in that column get a different CSS style class. I already have a 
custom skin.css file, if you want to know how to do that, see the skinning 
documentation on the Trinidad website. To hide the column with radio buttons, 
just add the following to your skinning css file:
                af|tableSelectOne_cell-icon-format-band {
                   display: none;
                   visibility: hidden;
                   width: 0px;
                af|tableSelectOne_cell-icon-format {
                   display: none;
                   visibility: hidden;
                   width: 0px;
                af|column_header-icon-format {
                   display: none;
                   visibility: hidden;
                   width: 0px;
        *       To select a row by clicking on it's contents, I add an onclick 
eventhandler to the component that renders the contents of each column. This 
implicates that the row will not get selected when the user clicks somewhere in 
a table cell where no contents are rendered. For example when using a 
tr:outputText component, the code becomes:
                <tr:outputText value="#{row.someVariable}" 
onclick="${mySelectRow('#{tableId}', #{status.count});}"/>
                This calls a JavaScript function which is (in my case) defined 
in the Facelets page template. (It should be possible to include a .js file as 
a resource, but I did not succeed in that approach yet...)  Note that there 
must be a variable tableId, containing the ID of the table. It can be defined 
like this:
                <c:set variable="tableId" value="table1"/>
                You can use it in your table declaration as well:
                <tr:table id="#{tableId}" ... > 
        *       The script that contains the function definition looks like 
                <script type='text/javascript' language='javascript'>
                   function kpmSelectRow(tableName, rowIndex) {
                       var n = rowIndex - 1;
                       var selBox = document.getElementById(tableName+':'+n);
                       selBox.checked = true;
                       var selectedRow = selBox.parentNode.parentNode;
                       var table = selectedRow.parentNode;
                       var rowCount = table.rows.length;
                       for (var currentRow = 0; currentRow < rowCount; 
currentRow++) {
                           var r = table.rows[currentRow] 
                           if(currentRow == rowIndex) {
                               if(r.className.indexOf('selectedRow') < 0) {
                                   r.className += ' selectedRow';
                               } else {
                                   selBox.checked = false;
                                   r.className = 
r.className.replace(/selectedRow/g, '');
                           } else {
                               r.className = 
r.className.replace(/selectedRow/g, '');
                As you can see, this script sets a CSS class "selectedRow" on 
the selected row and removes it again if the row gets deselected (either by 
clicking it a second time or by clicking another row.) 
        *       The CSS class "selectedRow" is used in the skinning CSS file, 
to change the layout of all cells (TD's) that are contained in a selected row, 
like this:
                .selectedRow td.af_column_cell-text-band {
                   background-color: rgb(0, 0, 200);
                   font-weight: bold;
                   color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
                .selectedRow td.af_column_cell-text {
                   background-color: rgb(0, 0, 200);
                   font-weight: bold;
                   color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
                Notice that we have to do it twice, because even and odd rows 
get different CSS classes. This also gives us the possibility to use different 
styling for selected rows, matching the "banding" colors. (As you can see, I 
chose to keep the selected style the same, regardless of the "banding".)

        Following this recipe, I now have a table where a single row can be 
selected by clicking on the contents of a cell in the row. Clicking the row a 
second time will deselect it. Here's my list of things I want to do to make it 
even better. Any suggestions on how to achieve these things will be highly 

        *       It should be possible to select a row by clicking on a cell (a 
TD element, so not only it's contents.) I'm still searching for a way to add an 
onclick value to a rendered TD element, but this seems hard (impossible?) to 
        *       The table component remembers the selected row in several 

                *       when pagination is used, the selected row is remembered 
if the user navigates to another page and back to the page that contains the 
selected row. 
                *       when some action is performed on a selected row (for 
example a detail page is shown) and the user returns to the table page.

                In these situtations, the remembered selection is not shown 
using my solution. So I'm looking for a method to re-apply my script whenever a 
table is refreshed. 

                *       When using a disabled component to render a read only 
value (for instance a disabled checkbox to render a read only boolean value), 
the onclick event does not get fired when clicking on the disabled component. 
                *       I still prefer to place my JavaScript function in a 
separate .js file, but I cannot find a method to include such a file any help 
on that is appreciated too! 
                *       I don't need it right now, but for the sake of 
completeness it would be nice if I could add support for multiple select too. 
It shouldn't be too hard...

                So far I had a lot of fun figuring this out. I improved my 
JavaScript skills a little bit too. I'll keep the list posted of I figure out 
more things. If anyone has an idea on improving this solution, please let met 
(and the list) know! 
                Best regards, 
                Bart Kummel 

        28-05-2008 12:52 
        Please respond to
"MyFaces Discussion" <users@myfaces.apache.org>

        "MyFaces Discussion" <users@myfaces.apache.org> 
        MyFaces Discussion <users@myfaces.apache.org> 
        Re: [Trinidad] Selecting a row in tr:table by clicking on the row


                Hi all, 
                Thanks for your replies. I agree with Shane that "richness" 
being a core feature of JSF. However, I find "if XYZ can do it, it ought to be 
possible in Trinidad too" a somewhat tricky assumption. With the right 
combination of Java, JavaScript, XML, etc, virtually everything is possible. 
But I'm asking this question on a Myfaces Trinidad mailing list. The reason for 
that is that I'm looking for a solution that requires the least amount of 
custom code and will not interfer with standard Trinidad features. 
                With some additional Googling, I found some useful bits and 
pieces. I can now select a row by clicking on it's contents, this can be 
achieved by adding an onclick property to the tr:outputText that renders the 
contents of a cell in the tr:table. Like this: 
                onclick="var selBox = document.getElementById 
('#{tableId}:${status.count-1}'); selBox.checked='true'; 
                In this snippet tableId is the id I gave to my tr:table. status 
is the variable name I assigned to the varStatus property of the tr:table. As 
you can see, the JavaScript code also changes the className of the parent of 
the parent of the selection checkbox. This is actually the table row. 
                Now I have selected a row in the table by clicking on its 
contents, I have some additional things to do: 

                *       I have to externalize the JavaScript code in a .js 
file. (That's not difficult.) 
                *       I have to add some functionality to unselect a row. In 
case of a single selection table, this is done by selecting another row. This 
works already for the radiobutton, but the "selectedRow" class is not yet 
removed from the table row in that case. In case of a multiple selection table, 
this should be done by clicking on the row again. Therefore, the current 
selection state should be checked first. I think this is pretty 
straightforward, expecially once I have rewritten the solution as a couple of 
JavaScript functions in a separate .js file. 
                *       Trinidad does not use the tr element for styling, but 
relies on the td elements only. If I change the style of the tr element, this 
cannot be seen on the page, because the style is overridden by the style that 
is defined for the td elements. If someone has a suggestion how to solve this, 
please let me know. (I can think of a solution where I iterate over all TD's in 
JavaScript, but this does not sound very elegant.) 
                *       If I succeed in implementing this solution, I still 
have the checkboxes/radiobuttons in the first column. Neither the table cell 
(TD) nor the box/button itself get a special CSS class from Trinidad, so I 
cannot think of a simple way to hide this column using CSS only. Of course I 
could set the "rowSelection" property of my tr:table to "none", but that way I 
would lose the selection functionality, meaning that I would have to write 
something myself. That's not the type of solution I am looking for, as I want 
to stay with standard functionality as much as possible. Suggestions are 
                *       Selecting a row by clikcing on its contents is a step 
in the right direction, but I'm still looking for a way to make the whole row 
"clickable". Does someone have any idea on how I can add an onclick property to 
either the tr element or to every td element within a row? Adding an onclick 
property to the tr:column results in an onclick property on the table header. 

                That are a lot of questions in one email... I'd highly 
appreciate any suggestions / idea's. 
                Best regards, 
                Bart Kummel 
        Shane Petroff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

        27-05-2008 17:04 

        Please respond to
"MyFaces Discussion" <users@myfaces.apache.org>


        MyFaces Discussion <users@myfaces.apache.org> 
        Re: [Trinidad] Selecting a row in tr:table by clicking on the row


                Zigc Junk wrote: 
                If you really need that kind of richness, you
                should use other technologies such as applet, etc.
                Huh?! Richness is the "raison d'être" for JSF; striving for 
desktop features is the goal! 
                I'd love to see something like this too (selection of any sort 
on tree would be a step forward). I have to admit that neither my javascript 
nor css is up to the task, but what about using goLinks in your nodes/column 
cells, use whatever styleClass you are currently using on the outputText 
components, then trigger your css changes from the link's js. You couldn't 
handle clicking on the whitespace inside the table, but it should be familiar 
to users at least (more so than the stinking radio buttons and checkboxes 
featured by Trinidad and other frameworks) Besides, if the guys at icefaces can 
do it, it ought not to be impossible in Trinidad (naturally, icefaces doesn't 
have a treeTable...)
                (open the "table" folder and choose "row selection")
                On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 8:41 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
                Hi List,
                I asked this question a couple of days ago, but still not have 
an answer
                from somebody who knows about the tr:table component. Even if 
the answer
                would be "No, that's not possible at all" I'd like to know 
that, because
                that saves me from searching for the impossible...
                Best regards,
                Bart Kummel
                [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote on 
21-05-2008 16:11:05:
                Hi Guy,
                The Trinidad tr:table component (which is Trinidad's dataTable
                replacement) does not have a property rowOnClick...
                Best regards,
                Bart Kummel
                Guy Bashan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
wrote on 21-05-2008 15:23:48:
                Hi Bart,
                I don't know about Trinidad, but for showing selected row in <t:
                dataTable> I simply saved the selected row in hidden field (you 
                store in the hidden field the id of the selected object or the 
                index). For showing the selected row you can use css and for
                clicking on the entire row you can use: rowOnClick.
                From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
                Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 4:01 PM
                To: MyFaces Discussion
                Subject: [Trinidad] Selecting a row in tr:table by clicking on 
the row
                Hi List,
                I'm looking for a method to select a row in a tr:table or tr:
                treeTable by clicking anywhere on the row. I have a rather 
                UI and I'm looking for ways to reduce the number of controls the
                user sees. One thing I came up with was removing the radio 
                in the treeTable on my page. While the user should be able to 
                a single row, I thought it would be nice if the row was selected
                just by clicking anywhere on the row and selection of the row is
                indicated by a different background color and/or use of a 
                font (bold instead of plain).
                I found a proposal for this functionality as standard feature 
                But this did not make in into the regular builds aparantly.
                Does someone know a way to achieve this without adapting 
                itself. I think it should be possible with a clever combination 
                skinning (CSS) and JavaScript.
                Best regards,
                Bart Kummel

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