Hi !
I use in my application Trinidad + Seam + Richfaces.
Every page I get on the console:

23:23:36211 ERROR [STDERR] 09/07/2008 23:23:36 org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.renderkit.core.CoreRenderKit createResponseWriter
SEVERE: In RenderingContext has been created.

Someone knows the reason?


Henry Chang escreveu:

Hi all,


Can anybody show me the correct way of using the <tr:document> with a link to an external CSS style sheet and _javascript_ file? The documentation says that it will automatically create each of the standard root elements of an HTML page such as <html>, <body> and <head>. But there is no attribute in controlling any of these tags. For example, I would like to write:


< head title="Page Title">

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />



This links to an external CSS style sheet. How do I do that with only <tr:document>? Currently all my pages do not use <tr:document>, but instead use the following:




    <trh:head title="Page Title">

      <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />








Is this the right way to use Trinidad?


Best Regards,

Henry Chang


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