Hello everyone, After finally getting skinning to work, I face another problem. I have a table, that has a select-one column and a show-details column. However, when I click on show/hide or show all or hide all nothing happens. Only after I manually reload the page, or after a few clicks and a manual reload do I see the requested changes in the table. With firebug, upon clicking the links, a request is sent, I'm assuming this is the table's built-in PPR working, but the table isn't refreshed automatically.
I'm using Tomcat 6.0.16, Trinidad 1.2.8 and testing with Firefox 3.0.1, although I see the same behavior in IE 7. This is my page: <[EMAIL PROTECTED] contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] prefix="f" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"%> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] prefix="h" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"%> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] prefix="t" uri="http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk"%> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] prefix="trh" uri="http://myfaces.apache.org/trinidad/html"%> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] prefix="tr" uri="http://myfaces.apache.org/trinidad"%> <f:view> <tr:document title="Pesquisar por Medicamentos"> <tr:form> <tr:table id="searchResults" summary="Resultados de Pesquisa" allDetailsEnabled="true" binding="#{medSearchUITable.medSearchTable}" rendered="true" rowSelection="single" rowBandingInterval="1" value="#{medSearchUITable.dbResults}" var="row" rows="20"> <f:facet name="actions"> <tr:outputText value="Resultados"/> </f:facet> <f:facet name="footer"> <tr:commandButton text="Seleccionar" actionListener="#{medSearchUITable.selectMedication}"/> </f:facet> <tr:column> <f:facet name="header"> <tr:outputText value="Nome"/> </f:facet> <tr:outputText value="#{row.medName}"/> </tr:column> <tr:column> <f:facet name="header"> <tr:outputText value="DCI"/> </f:facet> <tr:outputText value="#{row.medDCIPT}"/> </tr:column> <tr:column> <f:facet name="header"> <tr:outputText value="Forma"/> </f:facet> <tr:outputText value="#{row.medPharmForm}"/> </tr:column> <f:facet name="detailStamp"> <tr:panelGroupLayout layout="vertical"> <tr:outputText value="Preço: #{row.medPrice}"/> <tr:outputText value="Tratamento: #{row.medTreatment}"/> <tr:outputText value="Via Admin.: #{row.medAdminis}"/> <tr:outputText value="Tipo Emb.: #{row.medPackType}"/> </tr:panelGroupLayout> </f:facet> </tr:table> </tr:form> </tr:document> </f:view> Any ideas? Thanks in advance, Marco