Hello René,

First of all, thank you for responding to this post, thank you very much.

I added the following column:

    <tr:column sortProperty="medPrice" sortable="true">
                    <f:facet name="header">
                        <tr:outputText value="Preço"/>
                    <tr:outputText value="#{row.medPrice}"/>

And the problem continues. I click to sort the column and nothing happens.
Only when I click the reload button on the browser and the whole page is
reloaded do I see the changes (column sorted).

Best regards,


PS: The Trinidad Demo itself works, but when I use just the table.jspx page
and associated beans in my project, it does not.

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 7:55 AM, René van Wijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

> This could be same problem which was happening on a Weblogic server, but i
> doubt this to be the case. We also have an application running which uses
> Trinidad on a Tomcat 5.5 (it uses JSF 1.1).
> Could you try to see if the sorting of the table is working, here is an
> example to add sorting to your columns. Just to see if some PPR is working
> or not.
> <tr:table id="departmentstable" value="#{departments.dataForTable}"
> var="row" rowBandingInterval="1"
>                        rows="5" rowSelection="multiple"
> binding="#{departments.tableDepartment}">
>                <tr:column headerText="Department Number"
> sortProperty="departmentNumber" sortable="true">
>                  <tr:outputText value="#{row.departmentNumber}"/>
>                </tr:column>
>                <tr:column headerText="Department Name"
> sortProperty="departmentName" sortable="true">
>                  <tr:outputText value="#{row.departmentName}"/>
>                </tr:column>
>                <tr:column headerText="Location" sortProperty="location"
> sortable="true">
>                  <tr:outputText value="#{row.location}"/>
>                </tr:column>
>                <tr:column headerText="Total Salary"
> sortProperty="departmentSalary" sortable="true">
>                  <tr:outputText value="#{row.departmentSalary}">
>                    <f:convertNumber pattern="€####0.00" locale="fr"/>
>                  </tr:outputText>
>                </tr:column>
>                <f:facet name="actions">
>                  <tr:commandButton id="deleteButton" text="delete"
> actionListener="#{departments.deleteData}"/>
>                </f:facet>
>                <f:facet name="detailStamp">
>                  <tr:table value="#{row.employeesList}" var="employee"
> rowBandingInterval="1">
>                    <tr:column headerText="Employee">
>                      <tr:outputText value="#{employee.employeeName} "/>
>                    </tr:column>
>                    <tr:column headerText="Salary">
>                      <tr:outputText value="#{employee.salary}">
>                        <f:convertNumber pattern="€####0.00" locale="fr"/>
>                      </tr:outputText>
>                    </tr:column>
>                    <tr:column headerText="Manager">
>                      <tr:outputText value="#{employee.manager.employeeName}
> "/>
>                    </tr:column>
>                  </tr:table>
>                </f:facet>
>              </tr:table>
>        -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>        Van: Marco Vieira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>        Verzonden: di 26-8-2008 1:58
>        Aan: MyFaces Discussion
>        CC:
>        Onderwerp: Re: [Trinidad] Table does not auto-refresh (PPR) when
> "show details" is clicked

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