Matthias Wessendorf schrieb:
On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 9:31 AM, Simon Kitching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Glauco P. Gomes schrieb:
What's happening is that the conversation (from a bean in access scope) is
destroyed when I open a trinidad dialog, and when I return form the dialog,
the first bean has loosed his state.

Is this the correct behavior?
Well, it's obviously not what a user of trinidad dialog would want, but it's
not surprising.

Orchestra's access-scope assumes that a window is doing "normal" things. But
starting a dialog means effectively "please pause the current state and do
something else, then return to the current state". However nothing in
Trinidad *tells* Orchestra that this is happening. So of course Orchestra
goes ahead and discards access-scoped beans that the Trinidad dialog later
wants to return to.

How can I integrate the Trinidad Dialog Framework with Orchestra access
scope conversation?
I don't know.

I think I got it working, by added some special cfg for the new window,
launched by the dialog:

my facesgoodies currently uses two types of Trinidad dialogs:
-one w/o a new window (=> access scope)
-one w/ a new window (=> manual scope)

Ok, I see where an "ignoreViewIds" section is defined in the FlashScopeManagerConfiguration [1]. So Orchestra will simply ignore all views related to the specified viewId. I don't know how Trinidad dialogs work, but as long as they all have a specific viewId pattern and you do not want to use Orchestra functionality from within a dialog then yes that should work fine.

<property name="ignoreViewIds">

Thanks for pointing that out Matthias.

Using a "manual" scope shoudl be no problem with Trinidad dialogs; those beans won't get confused by the dialog as the user is responsible for removing them, not the framework.

[1] FlashScopeManagerConfiguration is a deprecated class; the new name is AccessScopeManagerConfiguration. This file is obviously written for Orchestra 1.0...


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