Hello Groovie,

i will look at this issue tonight or tomorrow.



Groovie schrieb:
> Hy there,
> the workaround for this issue is to assign a 
> with-value to the column or the first 
> panel element.
> <tc:sheet .... columns="25px;1*" > 
>   <tc:column id="..." align="top"> 
>     <tc:selectBooleanCheckbox id="..."  value=".." /> 
>   </tc:column> 
>   <tc:column id="..." align="top"> 
>      <tc:panel width="400px" rendered="#{itm.type == 'View1'}"> 
>        <f:facet name="layout"> 
>           <tc:gridLayout columns="50%;50%"/> 
>        </f:facet> 
>         <tc:.... />
>         <tc:.... />
>      </tc:panel> 
> It looks like, that the tc:column does not have any useful
> information concerning its dimension. Maybe its is also 
> a kind of sequence problem. Perhaps, the <tc:sheet> is
> not completly rendered, when the panel starts asking
> the column tag, how fat he is ;-)
> Maybe a Tobago Developer has an explanation for this ?!?!
> Groovie

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