The tr:convertNumber doesn't work right with Finnish locale. In Finnish locale 
group separator used is ' '. The converter doesn't handle this.

So we made custom converter which extends the Trinidad one and basically in 
getAsString-method we strip away the currency symbol and setType('currency'). 
And then in getAsObject-method we remove the blanks(The Finnish group 
separators.) and setType('number').(Because using currency type don't 

Everything works fine with our custom converter in development environment (Ui 
running in Jetty and services in WAS). But in our testing environment (All 
running in WAS 6.1) we get this error from converter:

 @264,11 value="#{uiEntry.entry.paymentplanentry.payment}": Exception setting 
property payment of base with class, 
Bean:, property: payment, newValue: 
1100.00,newValue class: java.math.BigDecimal method parameter class: 
java.lang.Double, null

I don't get what is causing this? What could be different in WAS classpath that 
would cause something like this?


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