On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 2:45 PM, Luhtala Santeri
> The tr:convertNumber doesn't work right with Finnish locale. In Finnish
> locale group separator used is ' '. The converter doesn't handle this.


that is our underlying mechanism.
We fixed that in Trinidad for Locale.FRANCE, but not for Finnish, see:

Can you file a new jira ticket on this ?


> So we made custom converter which extends the Trinidad one and basically in
> getAsString-method we strip away the currency symbol and
> setType('currency'). And then in getAsObject-method we remove the blanks(The
> Finnish group separators.) and setType('number').(Because using currency
> type don't work…??!!).
> Everything works fine with our custom converter in development environment
> (Ui running in Jetty and services in WAS). But in our testing environment
> (All running in WAS 6.1) we get this error from converter:
> file:WEB-INF/lib/Components-1.2.6-SNAPSHOT.jar!/META-INF/components/policy/policyPaymentPlans.jspx
> @264,11 value="#{uiEntry.entry.paymentplanentry.payment}": Exception setting
> property payment of base with class
> com.xxx.xxx.policy.sbo.SD_Paymentplanentry, Bean:
> com.xxx.xxx.policy.sbo.SD_Paymentplanentry, property: payment, newValue:
> 1100.00,newValue class: java.math.BigDecimal method parameter class:
> java.lang.Double, null
> I don't get what is causing this? What could be different in WAS classpath
> that would cause something like this?
> S

Matthias Wessendorf

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